Title: My Poetic Curious Questions..?????????????
Part:2-Answer it!!!!
Inspirations: Reading something..
Needs: Comments, Feedbacks, Responses, Inputs and etc...
Music: Sally's Song-By: Amy Lee (Of Evanescence)
Okay.. Again, I am pretty sure everyone knows that I can. Now say without sounding egoistical or narcissistic.. Which I am somewhat sure is how this is coming off to you Strangers, Fans, and Curious.. Wanderers.. Anyways that I can basically write about anything and twist it.. To be well.. Something Completely of My Imaginational Ingenious..
Okay so HERE'S What I need from you again!
I need you to list the words that on instance come to mind
When I say Nightingale..?
Okay did you write them down..
Now Same thing Here..
What comes to mind.. ?
When I say Nightmare..
Once again thanks for leaving your insightful, inspiring, and helpful words.. (Hopefully in List Form) So again thank you very, very much for your comments, feedbacks, inputs, responses.. P.s You shall be mentioned in this poem so no worries on your part.. This will be a done deal.. Also whatcha think of the song..?
Official Poem for this is called: Lullaby's Nocturnal Requiem Ballad
Read it if you haven't once again thanks for stopping by!
My Curiousity of Poetic Questions W/:Feedback, Inputs, comments from you!
ŞiirP.s. You Shall Be Mentioned.. These are my poetic questions.. So please really answer them as best you can! Thank you dearly for Contributing to me! Your helping the causes of my poetry.. dying..lovely