Curious Poetic Questions:In the Robot Form.Speaks 2 me. Input.Respond.Comment.Feedback. Critic it!

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Title : Curious Poetic Questions...?

Part: 7: In the Robot.. Form.

Inspiration: Project E.C.H.O from PandorE!!!

Music/Picture: Are some of my inspirations..

Comments: Aren't a want they're a goddamn need!

This is somewhat of a collaboration with me and my wonderfully talented writer.. PandorE

Please read her newest story that will (Hopefully) Be soon featuring my two mysterious characters..

Her story is called Project E.C.H.O read it if you haven't!

Anyways I once again must ask of you.. Its what words come to mind.. When I say or you say..


So After you read that what words come through into your brain..?

Once again please list them so that its more organized for me. Also thanks for helping on this endeavor you shall be mentioned on the honorable mentions.. When I post this.. Also whatcha think of the music and picture for this Curious Poetic Question..?

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