Chapter 4:

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Annabeth Chase

We were just sitting in the car and nobody spoke. I didn't know what Percy was thinking. What was wrong with talking to a guy from your class for the first time? I could really get some more architectural ideas from Angelo.

"Hey, look, can we just get something to eat and talk about this later? I told you he's just a friend." I said. If Percy thought I actually like him, then that's really ridiculous.

"Really?" he asked, raising his eyebrows, and I nodded.

"Fine." He finally said, sighing heavily.

I frowned at his expression. "I love you, okay?" then I kissed him in the cheek.

He let out a smile which made me feel better. "So, where do you want to eat?"

I let out a soft laugh. "How about Taco Bell?" I asked with a smile. Taco Bell was our usual eating places. Who wouldn't go there, right? The place was heaven.

"That's my girl," He said as we drove down the street. Yay!

I was so full! Taco Bell was amazing! The afternoon turned out pretty good because I managed to get Percy in a good mood.

We went to Percy's apartment and everything felt normal. Percy changed to his shorts and t-shirt while I prepared our books for homework. I helped Percy with his homework. I made a worksheet for him to answer while I got something from my bag in the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen, sitting by my bag was a spider about medium sized. I didn't make a move, I just stood there looking at the multi-legged creature as I watch it go down the table almost to my feet.

"Ahh!" I was jumping up and down like a maniac.

"Percy! Please help! Percy!" I shrieked. Then Percy suddenly came holding his sword, Riptide in his hands.

"What?! What happened?" he had drew his sword and started scanning for the cause of my panicking.

"Spi-Spider!" My voice shaking, I was pointing at it. It was coming for me, and I immediately jumped to Percy's arms, hugging him tightly.

He was carrying me and I was shrieking in his ears like mad.

"Okay, Okay." He said bringing me to the living room sofa. He went back inside the kitchen and reappeared a second later, holding the spider in his hands.

"Ahh! Please get it away from me" I shrieked hiding behind the pillow.

"Oh my gods," I cried. I was breathing heavily. Spiders scared me a lot- especially when they unexpectedly crawl up to your leg. I shudder at the thought.

Percy opened the door and immediately threw the disgusting creature away. "Is it gone?" I peered through the pillow.

"I thought there was a monster!" Percy said.

"It is a monster! You know me, right? I hate spiders." I explained. Still smiling.

I was still hiding behind the pillow, with my eyes closed and my feet up the sofa. I opened my eyes gently and I saw Percy looking at me.

"Is it gone?" I asked again, terriffied.

"Yeah. It's gone." He said, smirking.

I let go of the pillow, and looked at Percy, he was smiling. I pouted. They just scare the heck out of me, it's crazy actually. With all the monsters I fought, a teeny weeny spider was my weakness. I guess it's one of the perks of being a child of Athena..? Nah, not really- more like disadvantages.

"Thanks, seaweed brain." I hugged him tightly, burying my face in his shoulders.

"It's okay. You dont have to be afraid Annabeth, I'm here." Percy said keeping his arms around me.

I felt safe and protected. And I lay my head against Percy. He brushed my hair off my face.

"I told you, I'll always be here to protect you,"

"Pfft. Like I need you to protect me," I teased "I can handle myself."

"Ha, Yeah right," he scoffed "Says the girl who was screaming and jumping around two minutes ago."

I playfully punched his arm "Ow!" he rubbed his punched arm.


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