Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

Annabeth Chase

And there goes the chances of Percy ever forgiving me.

"Percy?!" I cried out loud- walking slowly towards him. The rain was pouring down heavily. I was soaking wet. My eyes stung from the water and I couldn't see clearly.

"Percy, I'm so sorry!" I called out. I felt really guilty, I fought back my tears, but one fell over my cheek.

He walked away, his dark hair covering his eyes and his hands on the pockets of his black jacket. I ran as fast as I could. He just kept advancing on. I stopped in exhaustment.

"Percy, wait!" I cried. Percy was gone, with the chances of me and him working things out. I fell on my knees and dug my head to my hands. I could still feel rain drops trickling above me. My bad luck has came in crushing me one by one.

I looked up the dark blue sky, and I ran back up crying, thinking that we wouldn't get back together again. I lay on the couch and cried desperately, my tears making marks on the leather surface.

What have I done? This wasn't wise, I was being stupid.

Just then someone knocked on the door. I immediately wiped the tears on my cheek and opened the door. What now?

"Angelo, what are you still doing here?" I asked sniffling. He was smiling like he just remembered what happened minutes ago. I didn't understand. My head is aching again at his presence, my wisdom vanishing away.

"I just forgot my jacket," He walked in and I realized he had forgot.


"Angelo, about all this, and what happened earlier, I think we shouldn't be doing it because- Percy will-" He cut me off "Annabeth, he dosen't care about you. He just treats you like nothing. He was playing you all the time. He's an idiot." I started feeling angry.

I made a face.

"Hey, don't you dare call him that. He's not an idiot. In fact- you're the idiot who kissed me earlier!"

"Yeah, so he'll never forgive you and he'll be leaving you alone," Wait, what?

"Excuse me? Why would you want him to leave me alone?"

Suddenly, Angelo's eyes started going red. He started shaking and he looked like he was growing bigger? My head continued to throb, I felt paralyzed. He must have something to do with this.


"Because he won't be able to protect you when I decide to eat you for lunch," He said evilly, but this time his voice wasn't him- his voice was deeper and he looked creepy. I was alerted despite the paralyzed feeling and tried to grab my dagger in the cabinet. But before I could take it, Angelo grew wings.


And everything made sense. He was a monster.

His faced changed. Angelo- whatever he was- hit me with the table lamp and everything went black.

Percy Jackson

I knew it, I thought to myself. Maybe she really didn't love me.

I felt useless. I put my head down, rain falling on my head. I got to our apartment. I was tired and exhausted. I sat down at my bed thinking about how it all happened so fast. I felt like talking to Annabeth, I didn't know what to do. I thought of how strange Angelo was. He could be kidnapping Annabeth by now or something! I needed to check up on her. I pulled a drachma out of my pocket, and set up the stuff for an iris-message.

I murmured the prayer for the message and stated the address.

"Annabeth Chase, New York."

Then the screen twisted and I saw Annabeth laying down in a dungeon with her hands in cuffs.

What the hades..?

It was dark where she was. She looked so weak and tired. She was struggling out of the chains, cuts all over her. I couldn't look at her like this. It was too painful to watch. I can't just leave my girlfriend like that.

Angelo. I gritted my teeth in anger

I always knew it. I started feeling angry- so angry I felt like punching a wall.

Nobody hurts Annabeth- my wisegirl.

I glanced back and my eyes locked on my sword, riptide, disguised as a pen. Just then, I noticed that somewhere far away the dungeon was a familliar sign. It was a cursive 'R' - that looked like- the building near the Empire State building. I've been there with my mom, when she used to work somewhere infront of the building.

I hurried to the building, thinking Annabeth's life was on the line. I went down the basement, creeping down, secretly. The basement was dark and empty, and I heard chains shaking.

I turned "Annabeth?!"

I heard Annabeth's voice, grunting. I ran as fast as I could and saw Annabeth in chains. Relief washed over me, thank gods she's safe.

I shook the bars of the dungeon from frustration and anger. I struggled on the lock and opened the metal gate. Now I had every right to beat up that son of a gun Angelo dude.

"Percy," Annabeth called out. I hugged her immediately, so tightly- too tight.

"Annabeth, I- I'm so sorry" I said, shaking-still in each other's arms. She was in tears. "I won't be able to live with myself if you got hurt," I meant every word I said.

"Percy, I thought you wouldn't come." She said, tears falling down her cheeks. I wiped it away, she smiled softly.

"Of course I'd come. I would come anytime, any day, as long as your safe." I replied, holding her a lot tightly. I smashed the chains with my sword. I helped her get up her feet.

"Let's get out of here." I said.

"No," she said "It's Angelo, whatever he is, he's a monster." I felt so horrible, how could I let this happen to her? So that's what was making Angelo seem stranger.

She told me everything that happened since when Angelo had knocked her down. She was shaking, shivering and I held her in my arms to keep her warm.

"I should've known," I explained "It's all my fault, How could I let this happen to you?! I'm a terrible person." I said with my head down feeling ashamed.

"Hey, Percy. You're here now. That's enough and I know you care." Annabeth said smiling. I smiled back.

Bam! There was a huge noise, me and Annabeth looked to see what was going on.

He eyes widened in shock. "It's Angelo! We have to get out of here, now."

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