Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10:

Percy Jackson

We ran back to Angelo's real address (someone from our school told us where) I turned the door knob and it opened instantly.

"It's opened," Annabeth said relieved.

I went in first and we tiptoed our way in. The place was clean, normal but sophisticated at the same time. I actually liked the place.

"This dude's house is awesome." I said softly. And Annabeth just rolled her eyes on me, typical her.

We finally spotted Angelo laying on the sofa, his head facing under, he looked like he was drunk from a party or something. I resisted the urge to laugh because he looked funny there, snoring loud, he looked like such a mess. I wonder what that beast did to him.

Annabeth and I looked at each other and we made a silent agreement. I shook him "Angelo, hey dude, wake up!" I said still shaking him.

He mumbled something about, I don't know- ponies? A short laugh escaped my lips & I shut my mouth, a smile playing along in my lips. Haha.

"Hey, wake up man! Angelo!" I shook him harder. I wanted to slap him already but he sat up slowly, scratching his eyes as if he woke up from a bad dream.

"What on Earth-?" He mumbled as he saw us "What are you doing here?" He ran a hand through his hair.

I looked at Annabeth, who just shrugged, mouthing 'I don't know' What was I supposed to say?

"Er, um... " I scratched the back of my head. "You came from a party." I said slowly.

What will I say?

"A party? What party?" He asked suspiciously "I don't remember being in one."

"Um, I think you partied too hard, that's why you don't remember anything. We brought you home after you blacked out." I lied. That was the first thing that came to my head!

"I blacked out?" he asked like he couldn't believe it.

Annabeth bit her lip "Yeah, you blacked out and you were out for days. That's why we're here- to check up on you." she added.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"But it's better not to bring it up with the others, because I heard it was pretty rough. I mean- you don't want people to make fun of you, right? So I suggest you don't remind others about it because they might bring it up again." I said, un-sure of what I just said. It was more of a question than a statement. Oh well, screw it.

He nodded his head "Okay." He said slowly.

"So, we'll see you tomorrow!" Annabeth chirped.

"Yeah, cool. Thanks anyway, for saving me there. I mean- for bringing me home."

"Yeah, no problem, man!" I replied.

"Bye," Annabeth waved her hand.

"Um, Bye." Angelo replied, obviously still confused. Well, we can't tell him the truth since we'll probabbly look like idiots and he'll probabbly go insane and ballistic. So telling him wasn't the best thing to do now.

Then, we awkardly made our way back outside.


Annabeth sighed in relief "Where did you get those excuses, seaweedbrain?"

"I don't really know." I chuckled "I just made it up."

She smiled "Well, I hope he bought it,"

"I think he did."

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