Chapter 5:

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Annabeth Chase

We were walking to through the hallways when Percy turned towards me. "Hey, do you wanna come have dinner with me in the rooftop tonight?" He grinned.

The corners of my mouth twitched up to a smile. "I'd love to," Who wouldn't, right? The rooftop was our usual spot. It was like our special place where we would just hang around and eat slices of pizza until we were full.

"Great, because I got nachos and pizza for tonight- your favorite." He said taking both my hands. And there was the nachos and pizza!

"Then it's a date,"

"Of course it is." He smirked. Our faces were just inches apart when I felt Percy leaning in closer to give me a kiss. He leaned in closer and- Brrriiiing! We quickly pulled away, the school bell interrupting us. I flicked Percy's forehead and he flinched. "I'm late," I whispered.

"See you later, seaweedbrain." I said waving him off and walking away.

I smiled to myself. "Wait!" I stopped in my tracks. "Do I at least get a goodbye kiss?" Haha.

I bit my lip and turned my heel, walking towards him. I give him a soft kiss in the cheek. With that, he looked satisfied and I left, heading towards my class.

I had just sat down when our teacher came inside the room. Just in time.

"Good morning class," He greeted cheerfully. Nobody seemed to have the energy interest in greeting back so he was replied with silence. What a waste of cheerfulness.

He stood in the middle and clasped his hands together. "Today, you will be assigned your permanent partners for the semester's project!" Everybody started murmuring.

A dark-haired girl raised her hand. "Sir, will you be the one assigning us to our partners?" She asked.

"Yes, and I already have." He stated. This caused everyone to groan even more. I sighed and wondered who my partner would be. I really hope it's not one of those badass rebel kids who don't even care about studies and grades. Even though I know I could do the project individually, I didn't want to have a lazy partner who'll take my brain and skills for granted. Nuh-uh.

The teacher started calling out names for partners and each one met with the other. I sat quietly and fiddled with my pen until I heard my name being called.

"Annabeth and Angelo,"

My head automatically shot up as I heard my name. I scanned around the room until my gaze landed on Angelo. He was smiling and he suddenly his eyes were looking straight into mine.

I forced a small smile on him. At least I got a paired with somebody I know.

He made his way towards my seat and sat down on the chair next to mine.

"Hi," he waved, still smiling. He had a cute smile. All the girls would swoon over him every time, and they wouldn't stop babbling about how good-looking Angelo was- which was true, to be honest. I'm not going to lie, he really is.

"Uh, Hi." Just then, the pen I had been fiddling with decided to drop and I cursed in my mind. When I was going to get up and get it, I seemed to have nudged my notebooks and they fell from the desk also. Great.

"Oh, I'll get that," Angelo said quickly, getting up and picking my things up. He stood up again, and handed me my stuff. "Here you go,"

Wow, he's really nice also. "Thank you,"

"No problemo." He pursed his lips together. "So shall we brainstorm for the project?"

"Yeah, we probably should." I nodded. We started brainstorming for the project. I didn't know Angelo had a sense of humor and a funny side to him. He was also pretty smart for a jock. We weren't finished with our paper for planning yet because we just talked about random things for about half of that time!

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