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She sits up, too fast and the vertigo kicks in. Her eyes begin to filter into black and her head is light so she sits still for a moment to not get nauseous. Soon she disregards the discomfort to look where she is. The room is quite... regal? There isn't a proper word to describe the luxury of it, other than it's a luxury she's not used to. A luxury she's never felt in her life. It is what royalty would experience... Summit.

The gold and black themed room is astonishingly large, larger than any single room she could have dreamed of inhabiting. To her left at least 10 feet from where she sits on the bed is a massive glass window... wall? It was the whole wall, the whole thing was glass. It even led the marble flooring out to a balcony with beautiful white painted wood slatted doors open to the fresh air. Through the wall you could see the Lycan Lake.

"Good to see you are up." Her head snaps at an inhuman speed, the crack of her stiff neck resonates through the acoustic room. A male she recognizes as the Royal Beta cringes at the sound of her neck. He shutters just at the thought of her neck being wrung because of how thin she is. He pushes against the door jam just watching. "Kieran, that's my name."

She looks at the clothes she's wearing and begins to panic, someone's changed her. "Don't freak out. The maids changed your clothes because yours were too filthy." They remain in silence for over a minute. "You won't say anything? You don't have questions? You must have questions." Her eyes take in his form, she takes in every detail, every weakness and exploit. Kieran seems nice enough, he is definitely nice on the eyes. The man is large, brawny even, the muscles show how much time he spends training himself. Kieran has a morning shadow and looks awfully tired like he has been up a while. Maybe he was waiting on Adelaide to wake up? His beaming green eyes cut to her after examining her body quickly noting that they still need to bathe her. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps, it was nice to get a reprieve from the King's mood.

"I do." She responds curtly, Adelaide is trying to figure out in her head what is happening because she should be locked in a cell right now. She doesn't continue from there and he watches her carefully for another minute. The silence doesn't unsettle him like he assumes she would like it to.

"Mmmm, I get it." He finally hums after a long period of studying her. She is incredibly thin, Kieran finds it hard to believe she has enough energy to sit up. He pushes off the wall at that thought and walks toward the door opposite from the bed. "Come on, the shower, or bath, whatever is to your liking is through here. Clothes are being sent up as we speak so there will be an outfit that fits waiting for you, folded on the bed, when you finish." He pushes open the door to reveal more marble floors and what she can make out as the matching marble bath, sink basin, and shower.

"After you're clean, there will be a maid likely out in your room waiting for you. When you're ready tell her to summon me. I will take you down to the kitchens so the cook could prepare you something, or you can make it yourself if you believe we will poison you." Kieran winks with a small chuckle, she doesn't laugh. She watches on with astonishment, he is still watching, but she doesn't care that her eyes give away her surprise.

"This is where you are supposed to say, 'Oh thank you Mr. Strong Gorgeous Royal Beta Man, you are my hero!'" He laughs to himself, which fits his character. He is definitely baiting her, he wants something out of her, some sort of reaction. Just something. If she wasn't who she was, what she had to become, Adelaide would have been the best of friends with this man.

"No kidding you are the Beta. Your personality and the King's are likely identical." She sniggers back with a hiss as she slides off the bed putting all her weight on her feet. She really only knows about his personality from what she's seen in papers left in the neutral territory and stories that she has been told.

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