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"You're staring, darling." The last word almost a tease, not an afterthought, but like he intends to bait her. His eyes twinkle, like a brash dark purple meeting the vast dark ocean against the horizon. Those eyes completely contrasting the blood soaked outfit he sports very well. The black button up completely shredded and tears along his slacks. Through the tears of the suit she can see that the cuts barely let blood seep through. All of his wounds healed almost instantly as the only marks were the faint pink as he t healing.

All of it, the air of him, screams money, power, and a true brute of a male. Also, a little more embarrassingly, it's all extremely attractive. She has only ever had the time to recognize the attractiveness of two people in her life.

"Words fail you at my beauty?" Mocking her stoic expression, yet, her eyes gave away all of it. Her attraction is evident but she hides it well. He knows that he's pushed it though. Regret from voicing it that way almost instantly fills him as she rolls her eyes looking away. He feels the anger inside him build at the disrespect of her not feigning a response. "Are you mute?"

"You wish." Adelaide deadpans keeping her eyes glued to the walls, the ones she can leave if she just lets him take her. Just get her out. The thought stops when she realizes she would just find herself in another cell like both she's been forced into before. Although, it may be a nicer set of cells? Royal cells would be the most high end she would reside in. Maybe if she's lucky they'll just kill her and all will be over with.

"She speaks, what a beautiful voice." A grunt, barely even considered a true voice. His wolf is going absurd inside his head and it takes every ounce of restraint to keep him from greeting her. "Don't worry, the Summit awaits."

Her thoughts run round the ideas of a palace, a castle. She has never seen the castle, but they say it is one of childhood dreams. It is hard for her to imagine one in real life, maybe when she was younger but it never stuck in her mind. The memories of dreaming of being a princess a distant memory that all small children seem to have. She begins to think about what the Summit actually does look like. The decorations, but more specifically, what do their cells look like? All of them remain to remind her of the same one. No matter where she ends up, what the stone is, the stone of that cell will haunt her until she's taken her last breath.

She continues her thoughts of the horrible conditions she will see there. The word on torture methods used on the prisoners there has reached far lands as her old pack. The rumors had run rampid and of course it was told to pups what happened when you were to cross the Royal law. As a child you are always taught the punishments for capital crimes. When she was held in the cells at Dawnstone they would tell her what she would have faced at the capital instead. She counted herself lucky that she only faced what she did there, which of course was way too much anyway.

With a quick click of his tongue he pulls on the bars which have the lock, they give and she is freed. The door swings open with a tired groan. Who is this guy and how can he touch the bars?

'Funny' she thinks, the sense that he's giving her the freedom to just walk out but he would likely end her life for running. Her body forces her upward to stand, it's not under his control, and she's aware of that. She is giving him a reaction, just see how far it goes... baiting back. She stumbles forward, it's been a while since she has actually walked further than one corner of the cell to the other. Her legs wobble as she notices the strength she has lost from lack of use. She can't be sure how long she has been locked in here, but it's been over a month or two.

Adelaide shudders at the clothes on her body, the stench. He doesn't seem to bat an eye but her head slings forward. She feels shame, shame for being in the condition she is, shame for being so weak, and shame for getting herself caught. A moment of self pity and then it's gone and she raises her head taking this in stride.

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