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"You are hungry." Kieran points out finally speaking up after watching me scarf down every bit of food placed in front of me. The food seems just that much more appetizing today, and I growl when Thomas reaches for a drumstick off my mountain of food.

"Do. not. take. my. food." I face him down and the chicken immediately drops back down onto the pile of food I have stacked on one of my two plates. Thomas groaned wanting to patronize me more, Kieran gives him a look to leave me alone. That doesn't stop the looks of concern I'm receiving from the rest of the table and tables around us.

I return to the gorging I'm doing ignoring everyone around us. Everything that's happening has got me famished, far more than ever. I've probably eaten more than the men this morning and that's saying something.

"If you keep eating like that, you are going to make yourself sick." Kieran scrunches his face in worry that he will have to clean up my puke if I do. The last time I puked was the day I got here and overate on the delicious mac n' cheese in the kitchens. I have had it since and Kieran was right the first time, it does not disappoint. I don't want to puke though, Kieran surely doesn't want to see that again. "I don't want to bring you to the doctor because you're making that big of a step backwards."

"I am fine." With a roll of my eyes I drink in my orange juice to wash down all the food I was chowing down on. The amazing part of the whole situation is that my stomach isn't sore from the amounts I am eating. I feel great, like I can run 10 miles no problem. I will say that I'm getting full, but not upset.

"Can we go train yet?" Thomas begs and I groan getting excited as well, I want to work off all this extra food I ate. I can only imagine other activities I could partake in to burn the food. I can't let my mind run down that road because my wolf will send naughty images to the King. I can only imagine a very turned on Roman storming into my training session especially since I'll be sweaty and hot. "I miss Acer." Thomas groans slumping his head onto the table.

"Acer is mated and has a child Thomas." Kieran rolls his eyes at the warrior, I can only imagine the mean things Kieran is saying in his head. "Do you really want to hang out with a dad? Do you want an old man to facilitate your training?"

"No, he's old and boring." Thomas nods taking the comment about Acer seriously. I almost choke when I see Acer with some elders on the other side of the hall. "Plus, he's not as much fun since he started being responsible." I watch Acer to see if he heard anything, if he did he's playing it off and not reacting. "I remember when he used to jump off of bridges with us and find rogues to question by running miles and miles. Now he never leaves the Summit."

"Exactly, now let us go be reckless and beat the hell out of one another?" Kieran pushes back his chair and it scrapes across the hard marble floors. Thomas basically sprints as he hears those words come from Kierans mouth. I laugh lowly as Conlin and Olivia chase after Thomas trying to take one another out. "They are children."

There are some very disapproving looks from the higher society members, but the kids seem to not care so why would I. It takes me a moment to remember that my image is probably very important now that I'm to be Romans counterpart.

"They are only 18..." I remind Kieran carefully and he hums in agreement, it's not like I am much older myself. Kieran and I speak about everything happening lately as we take our time walking to the training facilities.

"Roman has been frantically finding a ring." Kieran admits to me and I smile at the idea of me being mated and married. "Acer has been tasked with taking Roman to the town and visiting the jeweler."

"Am I supposed to know about this ring?" I ask, likely not but Kieran can hardly keep a secret from me. I can't explain how guilty he felt keeping my parents past from me.

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