First meeting...

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Avery is an ordinary university student who live in the capital of England. She has a channel called Yrena Home's on Youtube with over 1 millions subscribers, a very impressive numbers that been growing more and more at an extreme rate after the algorithm picked up on one of her video. With a wholesome and authentic personality her channel and social medias have been gaining a lot of traffic for weeks.

This made her really overwhelmed, she never thought she'll make it this far after all but here she is now... everything happened so quickly. Is has always been her dream to reach 1 million, but more importantly she can do collab with other minecraft youtuber now! She has been a fan of them for so long! Now she actually have enough clout to be noticed by them! Awkwardly enough though... she's participating in a love or host for one of them... the blade himself. She didn't think that her channel would blow up overnight like that... she joined his love or host after it got announced. What done is done so here come the love or host...

Avery perspective
"Oh god what have I done" I think to myself as I walk around my bedroom. My channel has just blew up overnight and I got accepted to be one of the participants in Technoblade love or host. Now that I have clout I can actually interact with him as a fellow content creator but it's going to be so awkward if I was one of his rejected love or host contestants. I can't just back out now!! Life just hate me doesn't it.

I groan as I throw myself on the bed, placing my left arm over my forehead I look up the ceiling. "Let just get this over with..." I mumbled.

"Alright! Now that we've gone over the rules, Mr.Technoblade! Please introduce yourself" - Austin said after explaining the rules of Love or host.

Up until this point Techno still haven't turned on his camera, as an old fan I already know what he looks like but I also know he doesn't enjoy face-cam. I don't enjoy it either but I can't just not turn my face-cam on a love or host.

"Hallo, everyone I am Technoblade, I am a 21 minecraft youtuber that like to stab people in game. I enjoy having power and dominance over everyone and anyone." - Techno exclaimed interrupting my thoughts.

"Just a tiny question Technoblade, is your camera broken?" - Austin stated.

"I thought I could get away with it but never mind I guess..." - Techno replied, turning on his camera.

It was a pig in a crown Live2d rig, it threw me off and got me bursted out of laughter.

"Oops- sorry, I didn't expected it to be that..." - I apologized to Techno all flustered.

"One of my fan made it for me, since I was forced into this by Wilbur I thought might as well use it." - Techno explained.

"We'll make an exception just for you Mr.Blade." - Austin sighed in defeat.

As everyone introduce themselves, it was finally my turn.

"I'm a 20 years old minecraft youtuber and an psychology major at UCL in London!" - I stuttered in nervousness.

"Psychology?" - Techno questioned.

"Yep! I enjoy psychology since studying it helped me understand more about my feelings and other people feelings as it can be rather confusing." - I answered.

Techno just replied with a small mhm and went silent again.

After a few more introductions Austin finally said the line I was afraid of.

"Mr.Technoblade it is time for elimination! Who do you think is the least appealing?" - Austin menacingly exclaimed.

I only exchanged a few words with him so far, I don't want this to end just yet- It would be so awkward if I get eliminated immediately.

"AND MR.TECHNOBLADE CHOSEEEEEE!" - Austin yelled hyping up the moment.

As I my palm get sweaty I slowly close my eyes and hope that I won't get pick.

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