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The door bell rang once more, quicker than I expected because Will and Phill hotel is quite far away from Yrena apartment. Maybe they rushed over to my aid. Time like these make me feel lucky to have them as friends.

"Oh. Hi Laurence." - Yrena said in an uninterested voice.


"Hi bud!" - Jarred turn his head over to the door and greet Laurence.

Did he also call back up??

"Jarred you know I'm uncomfortable around Laurence..." - Yrena said while taking a seat beside me. Presumedly to stay away from this Laurence guy.

"Oh don't be like that Avery." - Laurence laughed.
"I'm dating Jenna you know?" - He said in a dead serious voice.

"And why would I believe you?"
"If she got herself a boyfriend she would've told me." - She replied sternly.

"You can call her later to check on your own." - He scoffed.

The tension in the room was high. I can tell Yrena dislike this Laurence guy.

To comfort her I grab her angrily shaking hand and squeeze it gently. Giving her a everything will be ok look.

She looked up and smiled at me.

The bell rang again and this time I could hear Will and Phill voice behind the door.

"Welcome gentleman!" - Yrena said jokingly.

"Why it's our pleasure to meet you maiden." - Will laughed causing the 3 of them to giggled with each other.

At this point the small apartment wasn't big enough anymore.

"Well, this place is a bit cramp now..."
"You guys wanna go get a drink?" - Yrena suggested.

"I'm down." - Jarred replied happily.

The rest of us agree and we started to move.

The place was relatively close to Yrena apartment so we agree to walk there instead of getting an Uber.

Jarred and Laurence walked together at the back while Phil and Will walked together in the middle. That leave me and Yrena at the front.

Fidgeting with my hand I looked over to Yrena.

Coincidentally she also glanced up at me.

We both laughed and started to talk about her psychology studies.


Arriving at the restaurant we go up to the second floor and take a empty table.

A waitress stared at Jarred as she walked over to our table and take our orders.

The table mood was rather intense as glances were being trade with each friend group in hatred. Yrena being stuck in the middle of all the conflict picked up on the situation.

"Alright what's wrong." - She asked.

"Nothing really!" - We all replied.

"I'm a psychology major. I know when people lie." - she looked up at me.
"Will and Phill didn't just missed you and come over."
"And Jarred you never answered my question as why Laurence is here." - she said, turning to Jarred.

"Well we..." - Jarred started but decided to stay silence.

"You also lied about the waitress being a one night stand." - She said looking Jarred dead in the eye.

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