Love of host

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"Kandyland is the end of the road for you!" - Austin exclaimed, raising his voice a bit to hype the moment up.

"How could you?" - Kandyland said pretending to be hurt.

"Kandyland chose...... HOST! SHE CHOSE HOST!" - Austin yelled and continued "How could YOU Kandyland?!"

"Well he literally doesn't even show me his face- but follow me @____, love you!" - Kandyland said and leave the call.

"I'm just not comfortable with face-cam..." - Techno explained with a sad-ish voice.

Everyone else comforted him and said what matter most is personality. Some even trashed on Kandyland for always being fake. Personally I never liked Kandyland, she always seem desperate for clout- After Quackity love or host I just disliked her even more. On Wilbur love or host tho- the audacity to speak of Nikki in such a bad light just turned me off... Glad she's out...

"HELLO LADIES!!" - Tommy screamed interrupting my thoughts and made me physically jumped in my chair.

"We have come to your aid Technoblade!" - Wilbur said after Tommy made his obnoxious introduction.

"Hallooo." - Philza is also here for support.

They probably saw how Techno was uncomfortable on stream so they joined our call. The Sbi crew is all here, how wholesome of them.

"Why are you here Tommy, I only need Wilbur and Phill. You're just going to make it worse in here!" - Techno expressed.

"I'm helping you with the ladies Blade~, don't you know how many girlfriends I have!?" - Tommy replied angrily.

"I hate it here." - Techno mumbled.

Everyone laughed as the rounds went on.

"So ladies~ Mr.blade here is known for his competitiveness, he once plot against a random child for almost a year to have more potatoes in a video game! How do you feel about this as he may neglect you to win a war?" - Wilbur asked.

Minx: Well I think that just plain craziness- if it was for the money I'll understand but his end goal was to beat a child?? I don't know if I can comprehend that-

LittleAlli: To be honest that kinda admirable and insanity at the same time, I mean why..?

A few other girls said the same thing as well, then I spoke up about my opinion: "I think I'll help him out with the farming and contribute anything I have. It would be like a weird date! I get competitive in weird things as well so we can both be weird together!"

I looked over to Techno cam and saw his pig mouth grin a little, he liked my answer! Oh thanks god I'm not getting kicked out yet...

"Alright it is time for elimination! Mr.Technoblade who are your bottom three??" - Austin said mischievously.

"Uh... check dm." - Techno replied.

"And the bottom three are...!! Drums roll please!! Bridgett, MissBaffy and Novaruu! Ladies defense yourself!" - Austin announced.

Bridgett: I love your video so much! Like- you don't even understand how much I enjoy your video and humor! Blood for the blood god am I right?

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