That night

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After the stream, I just laid back on my bed trying to comprehend what just happened. My youtube idol that I been watching since freshman year is going on a virtual date with me tomorrow, with tons of viewers may I add!

The thought of going on a "date" with him overwhelmed me with excitement. The fact that I can talk to him and stream with him is already so very surreal! It's feel like a dream come true...

Ding! - The sound of Twitter notification interrupted my fan-girling over Techno. I grunted as I pick up my phone.

Technothepig followed you. - As I read the notification I was dumbfounded on my bed. After that all the SBI follow my account as well. I mean- what?? I scream loudly and roll around my bed.

Ding! - This time it was a Messages notification. I raised my phone once again to see who texted me and to my surprised it was my ex.

It wasn't a bad break up or anything, he had to moved away and at the time I couldn't handle a distance relationship so we just called it quit and stayed as friends. We don't talk all that much though since we are both very busy with university. I was taken a back when he actually texted.

(A/n: Lol)

I saw you on Techno love and host!
Congrats on winning!!🥳🥳

Thx Jarred! I was surprised too tbh -w-

Must be nice to get the recognition you
wanted so badly 😏
You loved that guy content for like 5
no wait maybe 6 years now?

Ikr >w<
All of my online friends congratulated me!

Nice ☺️
I actually texted you because I'm coming
back tomorrow
Not permanent or anything just a quick
visit since I'm on break
Yk catching up with friends
If you want we could have a small party
with the gang 😚

Omg really??
Hell yeah I'm in! I miss Jenna T-T

Just a warning that Laurence is going to be


I know he made your life a little hard to breath
in high school but he changed for the better now
I promised...

It's alright, I don't mind... when is the party?

This Saturday! We'll be meeting at the usual place
Tysm for agreeing to come, I really missed you...

Same bff -w-

Ok cya! I might swing by your apartment tmr btw 😃


I gave up and start to clean my apartment


That took way long that expected considering how I have a really small apartment, I have too much decorations laying around... meh it's looks cute so who care. I love this place.

To be honest, I noticed the way Jarred texted me

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To be honest, I noticed the way Jarred texted me. Maybe he still have feelings for me? I don't really know... I literally friendzoned him immediately just in case he get any ideas...

I cried for months after he left, it was a mutual break up but it still hurts. I literally cut myself off from socializing for months, just rewatching Techno stream and try to cope with the fact that Jarred left. It wasn't a pretty period for me... but what's over is over. I really don't want to get back with him or reconcile out of impulse or past memories. What's gone is gone...

As I eat some leftovers in the fridge for dinner, my phone buzzed, signaling that someone dmed me on discord.



Oh helloooo

I replied with pizza in my mouth

So, I spoke to dream and we can have our
"date" on the dreamsmp

W aaaaaaa t

I can join the dreamsmp??

Yeah the teletubby agreed, we could walk
around the smp and stuff

Wait wait- I need to comprehend this real quick

We could do sth else if you want

No no I would love to join!!

K, pog
What time work best for you?

Uh, 8pm BST?

Idk if I can wake up for that...

Oh right you wake up at like 3p.m
Well think of it as good practice to get your
sleep schedule straight lol
Cya tmr!

K, bye
I turned off my phone and ran into my bedroom screaming.

Oh my lord.
I get to join the dreamsmp??And Techno himself going to show me around??

Plopping on my bed I try to calm myself down.

"Ok Avery, your going on a date with the blade tomorrow. Play it cool!" - I said to myself while trying to not scream and wake my neighbors up.

Laying flat on my bed I think about tomorrow, bout how amazing it would be to be able to talk with Techno, how I can meet up with Jarred after years of being apart. Everything feels so magical!

As I think about all the scenarios that could happen tomorrow, all the fun I'll have, I drifted to sleep.

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