The blood god flower field

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Avery pov
When Techno ended his stream I also ended my stream, but I didn't leave the SMP as I actually wanted to finish the flower field and surprise him next stream.

As I was farming flowers in what left of Logstedshire, Philza joined the game.

In-game chat
Ph1lza joined the game
Yrena: Hellooo
Ph1lza: Oh hallooo
Ph1lza: What are you up to?
Yrena: I'm farming flowers right now
Ph1lza: Oh for the flower field?
Yrena: You watched the stream? :0
Yrena: Omg the creator of Minecraft watches my stream
Ph1lza: I was watching so I could join if Techno got uncomfortable.
Ph1lza: He never been fond of date or people shipping him after all.
Yrena: Now I feel bad TwT
Ph1lza: Aww I didn't mean it like that.
Philza: I'm pretty sure he had fun bullying you!
Yrena: Not very comforting but I'll take it c:

Giggling to myself a bit as I continue to farm more flowers.

In-game chat
Ph1lza: VC1?
Yrena: I'm not in the server tho TwT
Ph1lza: Oh Techno forgot to invite you
Ph1lza: Or he just didn't want any of us interrupting his stream and be obnoxious
Ph1lza: *cough* Tommy *cough*
Yrena: LOL
Yrena: Trueeeee
Ph1lza: What's your discord?
Yrena: Yrena#2110

Phil sent me a friend request and gave me the server invite after I accepted.

Everyone I dreamed of talking to was here: Wilbur, George, Fundy, Nikki,...

A few of them were online and welcomed me into the server, I was overjoyed. Phil pinged me and said: "VC 1?"

I joined and hear him greet me:

"Hallooooo mate."

"Omg I'm talking to the creator of Minecraft!" - he chuckled at my replied.

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm at Logstedshire trying to farm flowers."

"Aight I'm coming to your aid." - I giggled after he said that.

We both farm a variety of flowers together while talking about random things when another person joined our call.

"Who just joined?" - Phil questioned the Discord sound.

"Hellooo." - A tired Tommy voice came out.

"Did you just wake up Tommy?"

"Ye, I had a little nap..."
"Did I miss Techno date?"

"He knew you would join so he didn't even invite Yrena to the server lol."


I giggled.

"Wait someone else is in this vc?" - Tommy asked all confused.
"Wait are you guys streaming??"
"Hey guys, fuck, shit, tits am I right?" - He laughed nervously.

Me and Phil both started laughing hysterically.

"We're not streaming Tommy relax." - Phil explained.

"Yeah we're just chilling and ruining Techno image."

"Oh hi Yrena!" - Tommy greeted
"Are you guys on the server?"

"Yep." - me and Phil both replied.

As Tommy joins the game, me and Phil already gathered enough flowers to make a beautiful flower field for Techno.

"Where are you guys?" - Tommy asked.

"We're at Techno base." - Phil answered.

"Send me the cord."


As Phil send Tommy and talk to him about random things, I started to looks up a design for the flower field.

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