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As I type out the tittle to my stream and pick a random fan art on Twitter as the thumbnail, I send out a tweet to inform people about the stream. Setting up a YouTube notification for my subscribers and discord server announcement afterward as well.

I'm barely ever this prepared, I actually sleep early yesterday so that I can wake up in time for the stream. I guess I just didn't wanted to give off a bad first impression.

As I continue to set up the stream, Yrena dmed me on discord:


Mr.Techno are you awake?

Yeah, I'm awake
Preparing for the stream rn

Thx god, I thought you'll be late ;-;

Aren't you supposed to be my number 1 fan

That exactly why I know you're going to be late .v.
I'm usually the culprit of starting the Technolate
train after all ✨

I'm regretting picking you already

Anyway, I actually have to prepare for my own
stream so cya in a bit -w-

K, bye
Pleasant to know she watches my streams. Wait I'm her comfort streamer so of course she watches my streams... Feels like my brain is getting smaller everyday...

Oh right the video I downloaded last night. I should get that in place for the stream too. This is going to be fun... hope she doesn't get freak out or mad about it tho, I mean it's literally on her channel. This is also going to be embarrassing for me so that should balance it out.

An hour left to go, I wonder what's she doing...

Avery pov
His lip pinned on mine as he slowly move his hand all over my body... Jarred couldn't move on after all. I helplessly try to push him away but he didn't budge.

I bite his upper lip and yelled "LEAVE!" as he looks back at me with sadness in his eyes.

"But Avery... you haven't actually moved on from me right...?"

"I have!"
"I cried for months Jarred! Crying because you weren't here!"
"But I moved on! I'm not going to let old memories trick me into thinking I want to get back with you!"
"Because it can never be the same Jarred! You left me!"

"Avery we can start over! I get that it hard but can't you at least try for me...?"

"I'm not going to sacrifice anything for someone who didn't do the same for me Jarred..."
"I was willing to leave with you, I was making an effort to continue..."
"But you were the one who left without me!"

"Avery I'm sorry..." - he said with his head looking at the floor of my apartment.
"Remember when I help you move into this apartment...?"


"I was going to propose."


"My parents never liked our relationship, so when my mom found the ring in my room she wanted us to move immediately..."
"As much as I loved you, they are my family."
"I'm sorry Avery." - He said as he hug me while placing his head on mine.
"Maybe we could be together in our next life..." - He held me tighter.

"I love you" - We both say at the same time.

Letting out a small sad little giggle, we say goodbye to each other. We stayed as friends like we always have been.

Wiping my tears I check the time and realized the fact that I only have 30 minutes left until the stream. Thanks god I don't do face cam because my face is a mess right now-

I quickly set up my stream and notify my viewers about said stream.

As I sit on my chair, I started to think about Jarred. About how things could've turn out... there nothing left for us anymore. I guess I should just accept that.

Squishing my face with both my arm I get back to work.

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