Meeting up

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It already been a few months since I went on Techno love or host. After the reunion party incident I always felt too embarrassed to talk to him. He told me not to worry about it but I still felt ashamed thinking of that night.

Smp wise though, I joined the Syndicate and built a small cabin next to Ranboo. Techno even revealed the 5th member to me, it was Fundy.

Looking at videos on YouTube theorizing who it was makes me smile knowing I was also like them a few months prior. Life really do surprises you.

As I plan Techno birthday party with the Syndicate and Quackity "unexpected" visit with the server, I stretches on my comfy chair.

Can't believe I actually contribute in the lore now...This really is the life. I smile lightly, feeling contempt with my current life.

Then suddenly Techno called me on Discord.

"Do you need something Techno?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking of meeting up with the SBI in England after my birthday."

"Omg really??"

"Yeah but no vlogging or telling the fan though."

"That's still cool though!"

"I already talked to them about it, I'm calling to see if you wanted to meet up too."

"Of course I want too! You're talking to your biggest simp!"

We both laughed.

"I'm still figuring out the flight tickets and scheduling."
"But I hope I'll see you soon."

"Same here!"
"Also you should be expecting a package on your birthday..."

"Did you send me something?"

"Yeah just a little present I ship to your po box"

"Alright I'll be looking forward to it."
"I gotta go walk Floof now, cya."


I hang up and started screaming in my pillow.

"I'm gonna meet Technoblade!" - Squeaking in my pillow I smiled.
"I'm gonna meet the blade..." - I mumbled quietly
"What a ride this have been." - I looks up at my ceiling appreciating my fans and everyone who helped me.
"Even if this is a dream I don't think I'll mind..." - I say contemptibly.

As I rewatch Techno vod out of habit, I slowly drifted to sleep.

Techno pov
I actually asked her. Omg I asked her.

Me, an awkward social mess, ask another human being to join me and hang out.

I could barely handle 3 yet I still feel as though I needed to ask her.

"It wouldn't be all that bad..." - I mumbled to myself.
"I been talking to her for months." - I said comforting myself.

Getting some snack from the fridge I sit down on couch and eat them while watching Netflix.

Floof climbed up the couch and cuddle with me as I pet him and give him some of the snack.

This helped me relax even though the show wasn't all that interesting.

My dad walked into the living room and sat down with me.


"Ye?" - I replied.

"I saw how stressed you were just a moment ago."
"What's up son."

"Hm... you remembered my love or host?"

"Yep, it was my son first step toward dating after all."

"Well I been getting quite close with the girl who won."

"Oh? Is this progress?"

"No dad, we're just friends."

"I don't think you'll stress about her if you think of her as a friend."

"No I'm just stressed out because I have to socialize with people outside of SBI."

"Hm... Alright son, she's your friend, just talk to her how you usually talk with her online."

"It doesn't help that online and offline socializing are vastly different in stress level..."

"You'll do just fine son." - He pat my back.

"Thanks dad."

"You can always talk to me." - He say assuringly.
"Now take out the trash please."

"You really like to ruin the mood don't you."

"Where do you think you get that hobby from?"

We both chuckled.


After my birthday lore stream and a random podcast with Dream in prison I booked a flight to England.

I can finally meet everyone. I'm actually really excited but also nervous at the same time.

I asked Yrena whether I could stay at her apartment since everyone else have unwanted company with them.

She said I'll have to sleep on the couch if I wanted to and that sounds better than talking to people I don't know so I went with it.

There only a few days left until the flight. Phil and Wilbur been so excited ever since I told them. They even made a detailed plan on where to go to have fun together.

Yrena was asking me every day to see when I was coming. It was like "Are we there yet?" but filled with more anticipation.

Everyone was so excited for me to come over and meet up with them. I'm honored... I'm glad I found them.

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