Sharing A Small Apartment

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Arriving at the airport I immediately see a gigantic sign with my real name on it. There were 4 people holding it. It looked hilarious because everyone height is different but they all tried to hold it.

Walking over to them I waved. Phil and Wilbur were the first ones to recognize me. Wil take the sign from everyone hands and ran over to hug me, Phil followed closely after. Tommy who finally realized who I was ran over and hug me as well.

Yrena however never got the privilege of seeing my current face. She only saw my old face through old videos.

Finally comprehending the fact that the person everyone hugging was me, she walk over and looks up at me.

"Techno?" - She asked in disbelieve.

"Hallo~" - I greeted her.

"I can't believe your actually here..."

"What did you think I was going to bail last minute?" - I chuckled.

"No it just feels illegal to look at your face directly-"

"What does that supposed to mean..."

"It's a fan thing you won't get it."
"But I'm glad you're here Techno!" - she hugged me tightly.

She was barely reaching my shoulder so I kinda just lean down a bit and pat her back.

Avery pov
"Ok sentiment over! He's probably tired, take him back to your apartment Yrena." - Phil said as he get us a Uber.

"What about you guys?" - helping Techno with some luggage I asked.

"Oh don't worry about us." - Wilbur said mischievously.

"Ok...?" - I replied in confusion.

"We'll see you tomorrow!" - Tommy said closing the door of the Uber.

As the driver drive away, their figures slowly get smaller and eventually faded away.

"What was that about..."
"They are weird sometimes." - I giggled as I glanced over to Techno.

He was breathing lightly and dangling side to side as the car turns. He was asleep...

He's probably so exhausted from the flight. I moved his head onto my shoulder so he could sleep more comfortably.

His brunette hair were soft and fluffy, I had to restrain myself from touching them.

He really is handsome...

He's tall, have a great personality, voice and humor.

Whoever he ended up with him will be so lucky.

My thoughts were interrupted by the driver asking whether this is the place.

"Yes thanks you for the ride." - I replied while shaking Techno lightly to wake him up.

"We're here already?" - Techno mumbled.

"Yep sleepy head."
"Let's go."

Taking his luggage out of the trunk we started to walk up to my apartment.

Swinging the door open I instruct Techno on where he could leave his things.

"My bedroom is the room at the end of the hall, you should go in there and sleep."

"What happened to the couch?"

"You're exhausted, you should at least sleep comfortably."

"Thanks." - He said while yawning.

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