The "date"

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I logged onto the smp filled with excitement and anticipation. The spawn area isn't all that pretty though-

It was a box made for Tommy since he killed Tubbo bee and refused to apologize or compensate for the damages. It was a heavy stream, I thought they actually fought that day for real.

Turns out it was just an act and Tubbo didn't really mind.

I started talking to my chat saying how nervous I was and start to notice a train of "snitches get stitches" flying through my chat.

I wondered what they were talking about but if someone want to surprise me I don't want to ruin it.

Ignoring chat I sprint and jump around the chunk until Techno join the game.

Immediately telling me to call him on discord.

I read his message out loud and commented: "Ok, no need to be pushy about it!" - giggling in between the sentence.

I called him on my second monitor and get greeted with a monotone 35 years old man voice.


"Hi Techno, are you going to pick up your date?" - I laughed softly.

"The human GPS is coming, don't worry I got you. Just leave the transport to me."

"Simp." - I laughed.

"Oh you wanna talk about simping??"
"I didn't want to pull this card up just yet but what is your first video again Yrena??"

"My first video...?" - With noticeable confusion in my voice I replied.

cough "Techno old videos compilation" cough - So this is what the "snitches get stitches" about.

"OMG TECHNO!" - I screamed in embarrassment.

"Simp." - He reply with confident.
"And you know what? I have it ready for the viewers to enjoy. Live for everyone Yrena."

"You're so mean!" - I smack my desk while laughing.

"Alright walk up the stair I'm outside the box."

As I looked around the box I see 2 name tags, one is Techno and the other is Carl. Filled with excitement I climb out the box.

"Hi Carl!" - I shifted in front of him.

"I knew Carl was a moneymaker but I didn't expect him to be good with ladies too."

"Animals are always more charming than human." - I exclaimed.

"Good to know since I'm a pig." - He replied which makes me laughed hysterically.

"Anyway Mr.Technoblade, where are you taking me on this fine evening?" - I said with a fancy British accent.

"It's like midday but ok."

"This is why you're single."

"You still simp for me though."


We both laughed. As Techno get off of Carl he shifted and looks at me.

"Get on."

"On Carl?"

"Ye I said I'll take care off transportation remember?"

"What about you?"

"I'm trying to be romantic... I get made fun of when I don't role play but when I do no one get it..." - He said as he pulled out a leash.

"Ohhhhhh." - I try to hold back my inner scream as I get on Carl.

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