𝟐𝟎. 𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐡 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Deena was in the kitchen making breakfast for the other two while Kate and Josh sat on the floor watching the news to see Goode's pathetic face on it. They laughed at what the news reporters said about him and that his family had no involvement. "All is no longer good in Sunnyvale. New evidence continues to surface implicating Union County Sheriff Nicholas Goode the Sunnyvale serial killer. The family maintains they had no knowledge of Sheriff Goode's horrifying secret." Josh was quick to turn off the television and roll his eyes. "No knowledge? What a bunch of dickheads." He murmured, earning a chuckle from Kate who was in the middle of signing his cast. Just that second, Deena walked in with a plate of...whatever it is and set it down next to Josh. He leaned over and eyed it as if it would jump up and bite his face off. "Oh! Wow, um...thank you?" Deena just smiled back.

"But you know the doctor said I can't have any of...whatever that is. Why don't you give it to Kate?" He scowled at the burnt food and smirked at his girlfriend. She just groaned, shaking her head and getting up with the help of Deena. "No thanks. Doctor said I can't have it either, sorry!" Her lips pressed in a firm line as she closed the cap of the sharpie and set it on the coffee table next to the plate. "Are you serious? I made those with ingredients and shit." The other two still refused to say anything else. "OK, whatever. Get in the car." Josh poked at the food just to get his finger slapped away by Deena who picked up the plate and took it to the kitchen. "Go."

Kate ran to the front door and grabbed her backpack along with Josh's and opened the door for the both of them. They gave each other a quick kiss and hurried to Deena's car before she yelled at them any further. "Hurry up! We still have to pick up y/n and Simon!" Kate rolled down the backseat window and shouted. Neither of them wanted to sit in the front as y/n already called dibs the night before. During the whole situation in the mall, she further hurt her arm and ended up getting a cast like Josh. She let Sam and Kate make designs on it while the rest of her friends signed it. They even stopped by Martin and Christine's houses to get both casts signed too. "Oh, shit. I forgot!" Deena grabbed the keys and her jacket from off the hook and rushed out of the house, closing and locking the door behind.


"Now, are you gonna tell me how the hell you broke your arm?" Y/n's father yelled from the living room. He was watching television- specifically the news. They had just finished talking about Nick Goode and went on to the battle in the Shadyside mall. "She moved it too much when we were at the mall when...that happened." Simon answered for her while he took the two pieces of toast out of the oven and set them on paper plate. "Yeah," y/n answered, feeling comfortable that she could tell the town that was the real reason instead of the first time, not wanting to say that the Camp Nightwing killer fucking twisted her arm back. "See you later, Mr. l/n!" Simon waved from the front door as he grabbed his backpack and tossed y/n hers. The man in the living room just grunted, throwing Simon his coat. They sat on the front porch and waited for Deena and the two others. She insisted on them taking the day off of school, she and her girlfriend were doing so. But the others disagreed, saying they wanted to go to school normally again. "I love you so much." Simon smiled and took y/n's hand that he was holding to kiss it. "I love you too." She replied and rested her head on his shoulder.

Life felt good now that it was normal, but it got Simon thinking. Whatever happened to the book the Goode's would use for the ritual? Deena just shrugged it off and assumed they disposed of it, but it still felt off to him. The honk of Deena's car pulled him out of his thoughts and he helped y/n up, practically dragging her to the girl's car. She hopped in the front and turned on the radio. "Time to live life like normal teenagers!" Deena cheered and started driving to the school.


Meanwhile, Christine showed up at Nurse Lane's door and held the book she found in her office years before. She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, waiting for seconds until the door opened. There stood Nurse Lane looking confused as ever, but it turned into surprise. Was it really Ziggy? "Nurse Lane." Christine smiled warmly, letting the older woman pull her into a hug.

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