Chapter 13

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It was dead silent in the hall.

The prince kneeled at the centre, his body and wrists chained securely, although the shackles still burned his skin despite their somewhat loose hold. How ironic. It was meant to cool him down even just a bit, but it had the opposite effect instead. The gods and goddesses just stayed at their usual places; as in, the locations he would be able to spot them during the rare conferences. Some were murmuring and whispering to the other, or simply giving him some sort of knowing look like a parent gives their child. As if they themselves had to go through the decisions he had to make. As if the answer was obvious to all.

It was humiliating.

He bit down rather harshly onto his inner bottom lip, trying to ease down any noises he might let out.

Because he knew for sure; no one would have made the same choice as he did.

At some point, someone had cleared their throat, stepping forward to be acknowledged as they glanced around the hall before turning to the man himself. A martial god whom he had forgotten about: it's like some extra in a story. 

"Your Highness, I'm sure you know why you are here today." 

He didn't respond, not since he was brought up to the capital. Not since he had been forcefully taken away from the protection of his vassals of whom had been easily stripped of spiritual powers and part godhood.

The painful blow to their prides as they were easily defeated by the heaven officials who had come for him in the beginning. If they had been in the same state as before, they would've been able to stand victorious, fitting for the image of WuYong's representatives. But, it wasn't the same. They weren't the same anymore. The times were too cruel to them. He had been too cruel to them. 

If... If he had known what would've happened... He wouldn't have let them stay by him...

Surely, that is the least he could've done for their loyalty.. the trust they gave to him without hesitance.

Their faces haunted him like childhood nightmares did an adult. Full of fear and dread- for him. How foolish it is to worry for someone's fate and yet be so resigned to one's own. To ignore the shackles that plague their bodies and restrict them from everything they had worked hard for. From building a substantial body and core to just being a normal being once again. From having top-tier cultivation to having it be restrained within them without their consent. To realise that what they have wanted to achieve will now be out of reach to them.

Because he had failed.

He did this. It was all his doing. Stop thinking already. There was nothing he could do now. The past may have just occurred, but he can't go back and change things any longer. Just accept it. There was no other option than to accept what was handed to him. He was a crown prince. He can do this. It was simply said and simply done. As long as he can get out of here already- He wanted to leave. He needed to leave.

I want to go home, he thought numbly to himself. 

Just a few more minutes. He can get through this with patience. Even when it feels as if he is being pricked with needles from all directions at once, he can sit still and wait. There were many experiences where he had been on the thinnest line of his patience, but even then he had managed successfully every time. This was just like then. He can do this.

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