Chapter 4

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The assistant continued to give that glare, "Have you not heard of anyone named Shi Ba? You are certain?"

"Very," Carter replied almost immediately. Yuan buried his face into the male's side, grip unknowingly growing tighter as his nerves continued to spike up. 

Attempting to soothe him, Carter gently patted his head, although he didn't face him and only stared back at the assistant calmly. However, for some reason, it felt like the control over his own eyes was not properly fixated. They couldn't keep a firm gaze, often roaming to take in the assistant's appearance.

His body also wouldn't stop shivering every once in a while.

Carter rubbed his eyes, feeling a slight burn as he did so. "Excuse me, but I need to work now."

But for some reason, when he moved away, the guy suddenly held him back again. The grip on his arm was painful enough to make him feel as if half of his arm were going to burst off. He knew better than to resist futilely, letting out a soft sigh. 

"I don't know Shi Ba, never heard of him," Carter said. Yuan glared at the tall man, about to step forward like some human enactment of a sad attempt at a shield.

Carter quickly noticed his intentions and used his free hand to shove him away as gently as he could. "Yuan, go back home," he pursed his lips before hesitantly continuing, "make sure to save up the coins. I might not come back." 

Yuan blinked dumbly for a moment before the words soaked into his brain, his entire body freezing over as if he had been cruelly dragged into the ice-bucket challenge without his consent. The teen couldn't bear to look at the sight, calmly reaching for his ragged-up pouch before throwing it towards the child's feet.

He almost wanted to groan out loud. The situation was exactly what he was slowly coming to interpret. It was only a few moments after his futile attempt at an escape he realised that this was not his body. 

This was not even his world. In all honesty, he could only remember the moment he took control of a new body but the memories of the previous user still lingered silently yet never fully revealing anything to him, almost like an illusion.

When he first 'arrived' in the novel world, he was shocked to see himself underwater.

It was a drastic, unexpected change from the simplicity of his bedroom, the last place he remembered staying in and dying in now.

As soon as he opened his eyes, his mouth slacked open unconsciously, causing large amounts of water to enter him. A heavy weight on his back made it harder to swim upward. Fortunately, he had enough energy to act on instinct, untangling the unknown mass and saving his life.

Well, not exactly his 'own' life, it would be a bit more respectful to the original owner to say that he saved his life.

Either way, he survived and didn't know shit about anything until he saw the temple of the god being worshipped around the area. It was a shame to say he nearly mismatched Xie Lian and a much younger Jun Wu. Mei Nianqing did not exaggerate how the two were extremely similar in the novel.

He was practically like those children he's seen on the streets since then. For once, he felt how it was like to be stared at or ignored, and avoided by almost everyone. It caused a bit of shame and embarrassment, but he solemnly remembered his past life, filled with perhaps not everything, but enough to consider himself fortunate.

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