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Writers note: Sorry I haven't been updating my dad popped his head in half my grandma got some kind of virus and almost died my roof started leaking plus all that my bff tried to commit suicide... but anyways I will try and update yall more often.

Ig messages

Happy birthday!🥳😆

Thank you, so much.😊

Wait. From where are you?

Oo. Im from Lithuania.

Well me and the boys really liked your dance to The Walls. And we wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to work with us for a little bit. To film in music videos and other stuff.

Wait? Really? I don't know.

I live far away. Why don't you just pick someone from USA?

We will fly you out to here and you can stay at our house we have an empty room. If you agree of course.

I don't know we just found a liking in your way of dancing.

I don't know I need to think about this.

Ok. But please text me your decision in the next 3 days.

What the fuck did just happened. I had to pinch myself like 10 times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. The offer is really tempting but I don't know them in real life. I don't know what are their intentions.
I don't have time for this now. I have to get ready to go to the club with Anna. This is going to be my first time.


We are currently at the club. It's packed. It was weird drinking legally finally.

Next morning

Ahh my head is pounding from all of the alcohol yesterday and from the drugs that I took. Luckily I stayed the night at Annas. Now I have to shower and get ready cause I have to go back home. While I was walking home I had some time to think about Mitchel's offer. And I decided that I have nothing to loose.
But now I somehow have to tell that to my mother, great.

Soo I told my mother and she wasn't really happy but I somehow won the argument by mentioning multiple times that I'm an adult now.

So I can go.

Ig messages

Hey. I thought about your offer and I agree.

Great. Can you give me your phone number so we can sort the flight information and other stuff out?

Sure its +370 1234567


Hi. It's Mitchel here.

So I will need your bank account and we will just send you 2000€ so you can buy the tickets.

Sure my full name is Jaz Brunovsk
And the account number is

You know we trust you a lot so please don't just steal our money.

I would never.

+2000€ from Mitchel Cave

I bought the ticket and I had the flight in 3 days so lets start packing.

I texted Mitchel the details. Clinton is going to pick me up at the airport.

The day of flying.

Today's the day I'm going to fly to USA. The flight is going to be 14 hours thats a long time so I brought my laptop and notebook with me. So I can edit some pictures cause that doesn't need internet.
The flight was awful the long hours and the boredom.
I edited 10 pictures which each took me about 15 minutes and then I slept for 4 hours. For the rest of the time I just looked out the window and listened to music.
We finally landed I was so nervous and Excited at the same time. I have never been to USA. When I got my bags back I went outside. I saw Clinton standing there he looked even hotter in real life.

"Hi!" He said to me while waving.

"Hey!" I said back to him.

"So you must be Jaz?" He asked.

"Yes." I responded shyly. I was so nervous that I thought that everyone around me can see that.

He took my bags and loaded them into the truck. We made small talk while driving to their house.
Wow it is so big.
I'm so nervous to meet Mitchel, especially since I have had a celebrity crush on him for like the longest time.

"Hi!" my thoughts get disrupted by Mitchels angelic voice.

"Hi!" I reply, I could feel my cheeks blushing.

"Lest go inside" Clinton added.

There house was so big, like literally their kitchen and living room were bigger then my whole house. Not even talking about Mitchel he looked even better in real life. His braids they looked so hot on him. And his septum piercing was a little bit twisted. But I couldn't help to wonder where is Kras.

"This is where you will be staying." Mitchel said.

"Thank you" I reply.

"Make yourself feel like at home" they said.

I went in the room and it was soo bigg.


The boys showed me the house. There was a pool and a barbecue outside. Kitchen, living room, toilet, studio in the first floor. All the guys bedrooms where in the second floor. Mine was in the middle of Clintons and Mitchels rooms.
The day was exhausting.

Next morning.

I woke up to someone knocking on my door.
"Come in" i said.

Mitchel came in to the room.

"Get up sleeping beauty, we have a photoshoot in an hour. We need you to model some of our new merch." He said and walked out of my room.

I looked at the clock it was only 8am. Guess this is the life I'll have to live now. I got up, washed my face and put on an oversized t-shirt and nike pros. I went downstairs where Christian was sitting on the couch. Its the first time I meet him.

"Good morning!" He says.

"Good morning!" I say back.

"There is some milk in the fridge and cereal in the cupboard" he said.

"Okay, thanks" I replied.

I ate breakfast and we all got in the car Clinton was driving.

Hope you liked it. I'm working hard on this story so this is just the introduction to the main plot.

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