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Smutt warninggg, this is the only time I'm saying this, because I already mentioned that stuff like that is going to be in this story.

"You felling okay?" Mitty asked.

"Yeah" I respond while coughing out some water.

"Its okay, I'll take you to your room you should rest." Mitty told me getting me up.

We went up to my room, I laid down on my bed.

"I'm gonna go." Mitchel said while almost walking out the door.

"No please don't leave me!" I begged him.

"Okay." He said while laying down next to me.

I got closer to him and he put his hands around me. His touch felt so soft and nice.

"Want to watch a movie?" I asked still trembling a little bit from the cold water.

"Of course." He said while picking up the remote.

He put on a romantic movie.

AN. (comment some romantic movies in comments cause I don't know any.)

I could feel his breath on my neck and it was turning me on so much. Not too long in the movie I could feel his lips on my neck.
Is this man really kissing my neck.
Its a dream come true.
I didn't say anything just kept looking at the screen.

"Someone's getting turned on?" He whispered in my ear.

Damn this man was so fucking hot.

I nodded my head in a response as yeas.

"I see." He whispered.

Mitchel was placing his hand on my thigh which made me immediately get butterflies . I felt how his hand slowly wandered up and down my leg. He knew exactly just how much he was turning me on with his touches.
But I didn't say anything. I loved this. I wanted him, I wasn't even paying attention to the movie, I was just staring at the screen getting caught up in my thoughts. The suddenly I felt his hand going over my panties. How much I wanted him to just take them off.

"Someone's really turned on." He whispered in my ear and let his hand slip under my underwear. Mitty started to move his fingers I threw my head back. I was quietly moaning in his ear.
His fingers moved so nicely that I could tell that this wasn't his first time. It wasn't my first either.

He removed his hand from me and licked his fingers. "You're tasty."

Then he pushed me next to him. He got rid of his flannel and started to undress me aswell. He took off my dress which was still a little bit wet and now I was laying under him in my underwear. I felt so excited and scared at the same time. No guy ever has made me feel like that.
Mitchel was giving me kisses down my neck while taking my bra off.
He grabbed one of my breasts while his lips were moving down. When his lips were right above my panties he finally decided to remove the last part of clothing I had. I was now completely naked under him. He grabbed me roughly and put me onto my knees. I could sense where he was going, so I started to unbuckle his jeans. Now he had only his boxers on. (So I obviously took those off). Damn his dick was big for a skinny guy, (but you know what they say skinny tall guys are packing. Guess thats not a lie).
I wrapped my mouth around his dick and started to suck it nicely. Apparently this wasn't rough enough for him, so he pulled my hair. (He almost ripped my hair out of my head). He basically mouthfucked me until he was sweating and grunting and my mouth was filled with his cum. "Good girll." He said while I swallowed every single bit of it.
He picked me up again and put me on the bed (belly down) my ass was facing him.
He placed one of his hands on my hip. I could feel how he was slowly sliding into me. When he started to go in and out of me I lost it. Mitty then hardly grabbed both of my wrists and held them back together behind my back with one hand. His other hand was pulling on my hair (again, I swear I'm gonna be bald after this), forcing me to harshly throw my head back.(ouch)
When he took up the speed everything started to get a bit gloomy infront of my eyes. "Do I fuck you nice enough?" He asked while fucking me harder. I managed to answer "Y-yes Daddy!"
"Daddy I like that!" He said while smacking my ass. He fucked me so good I was going brainless.
"Y-you're so deep Daddy" My voice was trembling"
"You want me to go even deeper princess?" He didn't even wait for the answer he just went in with his full length, I let out a loud scream (great now everyone will know).
"You sure you can take it?" Mitchel increased his speed.
"Yes be a good girl and take it for daddy". He turned me around and slipped back inside, he put on of his hands around my neck as he fucked me hard (almost killed me, but it's okay if I die I would love to die like this).
I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head.
"Fuck me harder Mitty." I moaned. He slammed into me so hard that I thought I was going to pass out . His moves were quick and powerful. I could feel that the tension in me was getting bigger and bigger and I arched my back.
"You're getting close princess?" He groaned and I nodded (I could barely move my head but I still managed to).
"Good, cum for me baby." He said and closed his hand around my neck even tighter.
"I want to hear you scream my name when you cum."
"M-Mitchel" I yelled my legs where snaking, my eyes were rolling to the back of my head again, my heart was pounding. 
We were both breathing heavily. Mitchel pulled me back up and gave me a long kiss.

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