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I opened my eyes - Shit where am I? - I think to myself. After looking around I finally realize that I'm in Mitchels bed. Fuck how did I get here. The last thing I remember was me taking some shit in the bathroom. I look over to the clock it's 10am. Fuck, shit my plane leaves in 2 hours. I have to start getting ready right now.

While getting ready I heard the doors opens. At first I got petrified, but then I remembered the boys, they are coming home today.

Mitchel is gonna be so mad when he sees me. We had a strict deal that I'm going to leave before they get home.

Mitchels POV

We finally get home, I can't wait to go to my room and sleep. I'm so fucking tired. All this tour stuff and the shit with Jaz. She really hurt my feelings.

Honestly the first few days after the breakup I spent lying in the tour bus and not doing anything. Only getting up to perform at the tour. I hope the fans didn't notice how miserable I was.

Walking up to my bedroom, I could still smell her perfume it was like she was still here. I really hope she isn't cause that would really hurt and I would probably say some really mean things to her. I really don't want to do that.

I opened my doors and there she was getting dressed. She looked so awful like she hasn't slept since we broke up.

I'm not proud of this next part, but I did what I did.

I started yelling at her such mean words. Calling her a whore, bitch, cunt and many more.

Christian heard all the yelling so he ran upstairs, he was shook when he saw Jaz standing there crying, but I couldn't give a single fuck about her feelings.

He yanked me downstairs and told Jaz to leave as fast as she can and to never come back.

After that Kras came downstairs to try and calm me down. But Clint was already doing that.

Jazs POV.

Fuck, why, why did I not leave faster. Hearing him say all these things to me it hurt so much. Everything we had is now gone. Everything. I have nowhere to go. I don't wanna go back to Lithuania I have no one there just like here nobody.

I just didn't see the point of living anymore.
Why live when you have nothing - I thought while taking the white powder. Why? I was still thinking that not even realizing what my hands were doing. When I realized it was already to late.

I wanted to say goodbye to Mitty but now its too late. There is no way I'm going to make it downstairs.

My head started throbbing. I could feel the foam in my throat, thats how they are going to find m—

Mitchels POV

What is taking her so long I screamed at Clinton, why is she still up there.
I was getting up to go and scream at her again when Kras stopped me.

"Hey, man stop I'm gonna go check up on her" he said. Dang he is so annoying I wanted to slap him so bad, but I know that thats not the right thing to do he is just trying to help me.

He went upstairs.

"Jaz" I heard him scream. Great now he is yelling at her when I should be one doing that. Such a bitch.

"Call the ambulance" he screamed again.

Ambulance why the fuck do we need that, did she hurt him? Oo if she did I'm going to kill her.

I immediately regretted those thoughts when I walked in my room and saw her lying on the floor, there was white foam coming out of her mouth.

"Jaz, no" I screamed while getting closer to her. I put hands on her shoulders.

"Please don't die, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. Please don't -" i got cut of by her sweet voice "I love you" she whispered.

I hugged her while crying. The ambulance came a few minutes later they rushed her to the hospital. I was so mad at myself, if I just hadn't screamed at her she would still be fine.

Kras and Clint tried to comfort me but it didn't work.

After some time we got a call from the hospital. She was gone. My baby was gone. Jaz she died. I just couldn't belive that. She was so strong. Why.

The end.

This story is a dedication to drug abuse awareness. I hope that by reading this everyone can realize how dangerous drugs are. They can take everything away from you. Your mind, your loved ones. Most importantly You. Drugs kill.

Hope yall liked it cause I did.

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