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I woke up and felt Mitchel's soft arms on my stomach. Damn, how did we get here. Honestly I barely remember what happened yesterday. I mean I was pretty high.

"Good morning!" I hear Mitty say in his sleepy voice.

"Good morning!" I reply looking at his messy hair.
How the hell he looked so good even when he just woke up.
He got up and put on a t-shirt then he went to the balcony. It was raining outside. He put a cigarette in his mouth. And when he blowed the smoke out his mouth the lightning struck. Damn that was fucking beautiful. I went to him, still in my underwear (I still wonder when did i put it on).

"U want some!" He asked me handing me the cigarette.

"Thanks" I said taking the cigarette and inhaling a nice big breath of it.
We just stood there looking outside.
Then he just turned around and went back inside the room. I followed him.
I noticed that he wants to go downstairs so i put on one of his t-shirts.

He turned around and looking at me said "Oo I see you wearing my clothes now."

"Well I can take it of if you don't want me to wear it." I replied a little bit annoyed

"Nah its okey!" He walked out the door. I followed him.

We ate breakfast. And then we had to go to the studio gotta start making a new EP. Mitchel kinda mention something about putting my work on the EP since u know i help them now with music and some other shit. Like sucking Mitchels cock. So I'm kinda excited about that. Imagine like if u would be able to have this opportunity.

"Kmon lets go Jaz!" I heard Kras yelling from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back while rushing down the stairs.

"Thats what you said yesterday" Mitchel whispered into my ear. 

We were going to the studio. It isn't that far from the house so the drive wasn't long. Thats good cause I absolutely hate driving.

"So any ideas what should we name the EP?" Clinton asked while driving.

"Maybe Flads?" Kras suggested.

"That sounds lame as fuck!" Mitchel responded to Kras.

"Maybe Dreams?" I suggested. I think thats a good name personally.

"Yeah, thats actually pretty good!" Clinton finally said something.
He doesn't really talk a lot.

Well u can say that I felt really proud of myself for suggesting that name. U know I haven't been here that long so I still wanna leave a really good impression cause I really don't wanna go home.
I sometimes actually call my mom she seems fine. But she always asks me if I'm safe. I think that she still thinks that they are going to murder me or some shit. But I personally don't think so.

We finished at the studio. Today we just figured out the name, which is gon be dreams. The boys told me that the ep is more ment for the fact that i joined them. So it will be my responsibility to create most of the lyrics and piano background. Cause as I already mentioned I play the piano. I'm actually honestly really excited like this is a dream come true.
But even with all that I'm confused about me and Mitty. He hasn't really said anything bout yesterday was he only using me?
While thinking this i here someone knock on my doors.

"Come in!" I said snapping out of my thoughts.

Mitchel came in and damn he was hot af.

"Hi!" He shyly said.

"Yeah" I respond feeling weirded out by the fact that he is so calm.

"I wanted to talk you about yesterday. I'm sorry you were pretty high, and I shouldn't have done what I did. I know it's wrong. So I hope you accept my apology" he said, you can literally see the regret in his eyes.

Did he really think that that isn't what I wanted. Damn he's hot and respectful. Is there anything bad about him?

"I don't know do I, cause I really enjoyed it." I replied in a confusing way.

"So you arent mad?" His eyes lit up.

"No of course not." I reply turning back to what i was doing.

"Im glad! Do you maybe want to go to a dinner with me?" Mitchel asked and you can sense the fear of rejection.
So I  couldn't say no and make him feel bad.

"Is that going to be a date?" I ask

"Only if you want it to be.." he smirked

"When?" I ask

"When? Get ready. Now." He said leaving the room.

If he says so. What should i wear. My options are a black silk dress that Mitchel actually bought me, or a tank top with black pants. I thought I'm going to wear the dress, because he gave it to me.

I put on the dress.

"Damn you're beautiful!" I hear a voice behind me, but it isn't Mitchels.

I turn around and see! Clinton!

"What are you doing here?" I ask shocked.

"Well I knocked and noone answered so I just came in here." Clint said.

"You know you can't do that. What if I was naked?" I ask being weirded out, by his actions.

"Hey, what's happening here?" I hear Mitchel say. Thank God for him coming.

"Nothing" Clint sighs cross that Mitchel ruined his plans.

"What are you even doing here?" Mitty being even more annoyed asked Clint.

"Nothing," Clint says while leaving my room.

"Was he bothering you?" He asks in a soft voice, trying to comfort me.

"Yeah, he was a bit," I say while putting on a beautiful necklace.

"It's okay I'll go talk to him bout that," Mitchel says while going away.

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