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The party is going to start at a club and then we will all go back to their place.

I didn't know what to wear. I have never been to a party like that. Now I only have 5 minutes to decided. Damn it Jaz why couldn't you do this earlier. Black mini dress or black shorts and a neon green t-shirt? Aaa!! I can't decide.

We'll update I decided to wear the dress with black heels, which I will probably regret wearing. But whatever.

"Where are u Jaz?" Christian jelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I jelled back while putting on some silver jewellery.

"You don't look that bad today!" Mitchel said when he saw me.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" I asked shocked.

"I don't know. You figure it out." He said with a smirk.

Is this man really flirting with me?? I can't take this now.

We were at the party the boys left me alone to go and talk to some friends. So I was just sitting at the bar sipping some juice. Cause in USA the legal drinking age is 21. And I was hella pissed about that.
Then suddenly I felt two hands on my waist. I looked around and saw Mitchel.

"What are you doing? I almost punched you in the face!" I asked him angrily.

"I just noticed you sitting here alone so I thought I might aswell come and entertain you!" He responded and I could feel my cheeks getting red.

"Oo okey" I replied.

"May I ask you to dance with me?" He asked politely.

"U may." I replied in a flirty way.

"Is that a yes?" He asked tilting his head a bit.

I didn't say anything just grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor.

We danced for about 10 minutes when Clinton said to everyone that its time to go back to their place.

It's so crowded here. We had already arrived at the house. The boys were talking to each other and smoking blunts. So I went up to them.

"You finally came" Christian said while exhaling smoke.

"Want some?" Mitchel asked you while gesturing to the blunt.

"I mean sure, I have never done this tho." I responded while taking the blunt.

I took my first breath and it felt so weird. I could feel my eyes watering but I didn't want to stop.

"Woa, woa thats enough." Mitchel said snatching the blunt out of your hand.

"I wasn't finished!" I told him.

"Ok, ok!" he said inhaling the smoke in his lungs.

The next thing I know he takes me and puts his lips against mine passing the smoke into my mouth.
I got so chocked by his actions that I could feel my cheeks blush. But I liked it and I wanted more.

"Liked that?" He asked trowing the blunt in the trash.

"Yeah" I replied feeling my head getting dizzy.

"You okey?" Clinton asked concerned.

"My head just feels a bit weird." I answered sitting down.

"Yeah she'll be okay, I remember my first time. I felt sick too." Kras added.

Wow, my head it felt so weird but so good. I liked this, I could relieve in myself. Its like all my problems disappeared.

"Wanna go outside catch a breath?" Mitchel asked giving me his hand.

"Sure." I said. The fresh air hopefully will help.

We were standing by the pool. I was just starting into it like an idiot. When suddenly I felt someone push me inside. And I couldn't swim plus the influence of weed. I was drowning I couldn't get to the top of the water.
I could hear someone jump in before passing out.

"Are you an idiot!" Mitchel screamed at Pat.

"She could've drowned you piece of shit!" He continued to scream at him.

I could hear that while opening my eyes.

"What's with all the commotion?" Clinton and Kras asked while running towards us.

"That idiot pushed her in the pool, and she almost drowned, luckily I rescued her." Mitchel explained angrily.

"What's going on?" I asked quietly.

Mitty immediately turned to look at me.

"You're awake, I'm so glad!" Mitchel said relieved.

"Get out of here!" Kras yelled at Pat.

"It was just a joke chill." He said while leaving.

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