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We arrived at some kind of studio.
I had to shoot a lot of merch, but I'm not complaining this is a dream come true.
When we got back. The boys went to their at home studio to work. I decided to go out for a walk in the LA.
Everything here was so different and I loved it. I still couldn't believe that this is real. What are the chances that one day you dream about meeting your celebrity crush and the next day you wake up in his house..

When I got back the boys told me that tomorrow we have to film a music video for OhMami.
We decided to watch a movie and order Chinese takeout for dinner.
While we were watching the movie I was sitting next to Mitchel and he put his hand on my thigh. I felt 10 thousand emotions at the same time. His hand was so soft as it went up and down my thigh. I could feel my cheeks blushing. At this point I couldn't even concentrate on the film. All I was thinking was Mitchel.
But then the doorbell rang and Mitchel went to answer. When he got back he had the food in his hands. For the rest of the movie we all just ate and chatted.

I couldn't sleep tonight my mind was full of questions: Why he did that? Does he like me? and many more. I finally fell asleep.

I woke up at 7:30am so I can get ready cause we have to leave at 8:15am.
When I walked downstairs I could smell eggs. In the kitchen I saw Mitchel cooking, and I was quite surprised I didn't think that he knows how to cook. Plus he didn't have a shirt on, I just couldn't help but admire his hot body.
I'm pretty sure he noticed me staring, but didn't say anything. The eggs he made were amazing..

At the video shoot.

There were real Lamborghini's here. I have never been so close to a car like this. It felt so unreal.

We filmed the video and it was quite fun. When we got home everyone was exhausted so we all just went to bed.

'Knock knock' I knocked at Mitchels door.

"Come in!" He responded.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked feeling a bit scared.

"I need some help with the lyrics, I can't think of anything. So I thought you might be some help." He said while showing me what he already has written.

"I can try" I responded relieved.

"Ok. This is the background music" He put the music on.

It has a nice melody. I really liked it. The lyrics went.

Cold eyes all my demons dance though the motherfucking night time. Said I wouldn't sniff it took a whole line. Poison in my brain feel it creeping through on both side. Oh my.

—————— doing flips. Brand new maserati with the tint.

"I need something to put before 'doing flips'" he said while looking at me.

"Ducking paparazzi" I spit out.

"Ducking paparazzi doing flips" he quietly sang to himself.

"You're a genius Jaz!" He said happily.

"Thank you" i said feeling honoured.

The blood is dripping down my throat. I can hear them knocking I got demons at my door.
And I've never been the type to run and hide.

"What about there?" He asked pointing towards the empty space.

Hmm. What could be good there......

"What about. Just promise me you won't let them inside. Yeah I don't deal with situations lightly." I asked.

"It's perfect, you really are a genius" he said happily.

"Thank you!" I responded smiling.

"Clinton! Jaz helped me figure out the lyrics!" He yelled, and went downstairs to show him.

I felt happy. And went downstairs aswell.

"Good thing that both of you are here. We have a release party tomorrow at 5pm" Clinton said while looking at the lyrics.

"Ok" Mitchel and I said at the same time.

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