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Jaz's pov

I waved as they drove off. It was a sad day we were separated. I know some of yall would think that 2 months ain't that long. But it felt really long. And I don't know what to do it has been only 5 minutes but I already missed him.
I do decide to go inside tho cause i got really cold and I'm not trying to catch a cold.
Then suddenly I remember.
The EP.
Right I can work on that it will keep my mind busy cause honestly i haven't really done anything for it. Mitchel and Cristian had prepared this song and left a bit of time for me to put in my lines. They wanted me to sing which i gotta admit was really weird. But I ain't complaining.

I can give you love for free
She said babe
I can give you love for free
She said
I can give you love for free
Girl i got what you need

The penthouse you rented
Said you love me its bullshit
The view was expensive so i show you affection
Said I'm stuck in my ways but baby
I just wanna get paid
Baby i have nothing to sayy
But yeah grams to the face

Old  friend new friend....

Now that thats done and it is already 8 pm . Im gonna go to bed feeling kinda tired.

Its was 3am when i heard my phone go off.
"Yea?" I ask felling really sleepy and tired.
"Hi. How are you doing? Sorry I didnt call you earlier." Its was Mitchel.
"Its 3am, how do you think im doing at the moment, Im tired" i yawn.
"Its okey, go to sleep princess" those were the last word i hear before passing out.


It has been already 2 weeks since they left for tour and I still haven't went to any of their shows. Mitchel still calls me whenever he gets the time for it, but it doesn't feel the same.
So me and some girl I met like 3 days ago we are going to a club, I think her name was Molly or something. I obviously told Mitty about that, he said it is a good idea. Otherwise he is having fun at tour while Im just stuck at home.
Molly is going to be here in an hour so I better get ready asap. Im going yo wear this really pretty black dress Mitchel got me.

At the club:

We were snorting bunch of random stuff, I know I should not be doing this cause I promised Mitty I wont do drugs no more but hell they felt soo good. After a few minutes I was higher than hell. My brain it felt so easy, so good. So nice I forgot how much I loved Codeine.
'Codeine the answer to my problems' i said quietly, not even considering the bad after effects.


I woke up naked in a random apartment.
"Wtf" I yelled loudly.

"Why are you yelling" a handsome brown haired boy said.

"Who are you?" I asked while trying to cover myself with a blanket.

What the f have i done.

"Yeezz im Den, u don't remember do u?" He was making coffee.

"No, but did we fuck??" I ask worried that I cheated on Mitty and don't even remember that.

"Oo we totally did, actually you ride really good" he smirked.

Oo fuck i have to get out of here. Hopefully Mitchel don't find out bout this...

Yall the story is coming to an end.
She cheated on him like how dare she.

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