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Mollys pov:

That cunt she got into my trap. Finally Mitchel will be mine. How could she be so easy to fool. She is so naive.


Yall could be wondering why is Molly saying that. Well she is crazy obsessed with Mitchel. Molly is his ex girlfriend and she is trying to break Mitchel and Jaz up. She took Jaz to the party just to make sure she gets high and cheats on Mitchel.


Finally. Yesterday I took a picture of Jaz kissing with Den, I also got a video of them going in the room together with his hands on her ass.

I send the picture to Mitchel trough ig on a fake account, because he blocked me on my main. I actually made this account just to stalk him and his bandmates.

The screen read seen. Yes! He saw the picture. When they finally break up I will go to him and support him and help him get over that bitch.



"Dink" my phone beeped.
I go up to it and see that its a picture from Mitchel.

Honestly I don't even want to open it, I feel so guilty and shitty about yesterday.
I promised Mitchel that I won't go back to drugs.

I gotta stop thinking and open the damn picture.

Tears start falling down my face as I look at the picture. There it was me kissing Den. Fuck! What I have done.

"Fuck you! We're over! I want you gone from my house when I come back in 2 days! " That was the message attached to the photo.

I didn't even try to apologize or explain myself cause I know he won't forgive me. I fucked up big time.

I go Mitchel's room, remembering that he has some pills in the top drawer of his cupboard. I really just need something.

While taking the MDMA, our whole relationship passed right before my eyes.
All the memories we made. All the times he made me feel better. He was the reason I got out of my toxic household. He helped me get off drugs. And here I am using his.

After taking 5 mollys, I passed out in his bed for the last time.


The next day.

I'm currently packing my bags, Kras was nice enough to buy me a plane ticket so I can go home.

The boys come home tomorrow, right before I have to leave.

Im still feeling awful from the breakup, but now I also have to deal with the withdrawal from the mollys and who knows what else.

I'm going to a party later - I think to myself while putting the clothes Mitty bought me in the suitcase. They were already wet from my tears. Being in his house tore me down minute by minute. Everything here smells like him, looks like him, reminds me of him.

The party is in a hour. I'm only going there to meet the dealer. I really need something stronger than perkies and mollys. Hopefully he will have some diamorphine or something like that.


At the party

Its so loud here - I think while looking for Theo. He is the dealer from who the boys get their drugs, so he knows me and definitely will give me something. I got really lucky since he had what I needed.

I bought the drugs and syringes from him. While going to the bathroom I heard someone call my name but I ignored it.

I shoot some in my veins in the bathroom, cause i just couldn't deal with the pain anymore. I don't even care if I die. It just doesn't matter.

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