Planning for the Mist [9]

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Disclaimer: I own nothing. All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto, nor do I own this story, this story is by makato x chelia.

{Swordsmen Mission Arc}


Having managed to flee the scene where the Swordsman of the mist were, and making sure that they weren't being followed, Shisui managed to place Zabuza under a Genjutsu so that way he wouldn't try to attack them, and he'd be able to learn more when they arrived to their destination.

Haku wasn't pleased about it, but realistically, she wouldn't be able to do anything against Shisui.

Never mind the fact that Ryouta was there, someone she saw as an equal on the battlefield due to how they fought one another, Shisui was someone that she knew she'd not be able to take down in a fight, even if she tried to do a sneak attack, there was no way for her to win, it'd be futile if she would attack.

"We should be coming up on the village in a few minutes." Shisui began, carrying all of the people with them, so they'd be able to get there the quickest, and to make sure that Haku didn't try anything. He didn't think she would, but since she was aligned with Zabuza, he didn't know what she'd be capable of doing, and for the fact that she had Ice Release, a Kekkei Genkai, she was someone that could be considered highly dangerous.

"Shi-chan, is it alright for us to go there though? What if those people try and attack us there? They'd be caught up in the violence, and from what you've told me, they don't even have any ninja's..."

Shisui understood the reservations of his little brother. Even he had times where he considered not going there. But he also knew something that would make it impossible for them to not go towards them.

"Realistically, they'd be defenceless due to us not being there. They'd know of this village, and if they can't find us, then they'd torture and kill the innocents there. Ryou, these people don't hold back because they're innocents. Kirigakure are known for being blood lusting individuals, you saw it yourself."

Ryouta did remember what had just happened, and how dangerous they'd be.

"Shi-chan, can we win right now?"

"I think that I'd have a good chance of beating what I saw back there, but there always might be a surprise or two waiting for us. I can also see that there's some more chakra signatures out there, and it seems that they have a good deal of it, so they aren't weak. We can't be sure if they have others with them that were waiting to spring some traps on us, or if they have some traps if we try and confront them. We should group together, and take an area for ourselves, to get the drop on them. There's a risk that there might be more people that might come, but we also will be more prepared by then. Even if they have many, quality can beat quantity Ryou. Also, intelligence is just as good of an asset as power. Remember that."

Ryouta nodded. He knew that it took brains as well as brawn for them. They didn't know what the enemy had up their sleeves.

Ryouta was going to be careful as well as Shisui.

They eventually made it to the very small village that their original destination was supposed to be.

They were greeted kindly, but when told of the situation and saw Zabuza, they became panicked, and unsure of what they were going to do.

It was understandable why they were this panicked. Even Ryouta would be if they brought a man like Zabuza towards the

"Don't worry, we wont allow this wonderful little village to be ruined by the problems of us shinobi. I'll try my best to resolve this conflict. And if not, then I promise that we'll do our best to make sure this village doesn't suffer, and you all shall be safe."

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