The Beginning Of The Great War

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On a planet in a galaxy far far away the greatest lightsaber dualist currently in the Jedi Order, Mace Windu, was training his student to be able to overcome the difficulty of doubt in lifting large objects with the force as many jedi padawans and even knights find themselves too doubtful of themselves to perform this task.

"Focus my young padawan, not on that of the object, but of the force. Feel only the force, strengthen your hold of the boulder and focus on lifting it" the master jedi instructed

The young Galen Marek inhaled and exhaled as he had his left hand outstretched towards a giant boulder that was slowly shaking, it took a few more moments but slowly the boulder lifted up and Galen would close his eyes as he would become fully immersed within the feeling of the force.

Windu watched his padawan. He has always instructed Galen to use the light and dark, like he does with his combat style. It's what the purple lightsaber crystals represent. And why it's so rare. "Good, there you go. Now remember this focus. And train yourself to use it under pressure" he said as he used the force to throw a small rock at Galen's side

Galen had dropped the boulder upon his side being hit by the rock. He looked to his master and nodded "yes Master, I will make note of this teaching with the others" he pulled out a notebook and pen and began writing it down. Then he scanned it with something and put both items away

"Double note storage, I always wondered why you carried both of those around. Very wise decision my padawan" Windu unfolded his arms. When he was contacted by Grandmaster Yoda. He took out a communication projector and the holographic image of the small grandmaster appeared

"Grandmaster, is something wrong?" Windu asked before a armored figure joined the projection. Mace took note of them and nodded with Galen confused

"Waiting for you at Landing Point Alpha, a gunships will be. At war, we now are" Yoda said with a serious tone in his backward way of speaking. Galen looked at his master with concern in his eyes, Windu looked at him and nodded

"We will be there" Windu cancelled the projection "Padawan, be on guard. Master Yoda's words were no exaggeration, we are at war now. We must hurry, I will answer your questions later. I hope you understand" Galen nodded without hesitation, Windu took some pride in being able to inspire such loyalty from his Padawan.

They turned and headed for Landing Point Alpha, where a new kind of dropship was waiting for them. And in the distance Galen could see an even bigger ship. The two quickly got in the ship and Galen was slightly confused by the many same armored soldiers.

"At ease Padawan, these are specialised allies. Clone Troopers, like I said. I will explain everything in far greater detail, trust me" Windu insisted his Padawan trust him. Galen calmed his mind and focused, nodding his head as he would take a sitting position as the dropship would be boarded by a small group of these clones, Windu took note of what Galen was doing, meditation.


"We're arriving, touching down minutes away from the location. Master Windu your free to act out your ambush" the main Clone pilot informed

"Very good. Padawan, come with me. Once we are at a suitable position we will split up, you remember the rest?"

"Yes master, I am to join the other jedi hiding amongst the crowds and prepare to intervene the situation. While you find your way to the main viewing area to find the people behind this" Galen answered which got a nod from Windu

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