The Temple And Returning Home

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As the war continues on throughout the galaxy young jedi knight prodigy Galen Marek has continued to be plagued by visions of both past events and random visions, disturbed by these visions and needing better defense in his battles Marek makes his next destinations the jedi temple on Ilum and his original home

Galen sat down inside a room with his eyes closed as he meditated, items from around the room floated around, including but not limited to his lightsaber which was disassembled as he sat there with the parts floated around. As his eyebrows furrowed the pieces of the lightsaber began coming back together, small clicks from the pieces reconnecting were heard. Before it fell and landed in the now outstretched hand of Galen.

Galen would stand up and head to a desk. He pressed a button under it and a compartment on his wall opened and slid out. He walked over and looked down at a new lightsaber from the parts one he took he had made from the pieces that weird machine he fought had. He had reported that to the council and they were launching an investigation into it. He grabbed it and put it on his belt underneath the cloak opposite his main lightsaber.

Knowing he was getting close to his destination Galen walked to his door, exiting the room into the halls of the venator he was inside. As he walked throughout a venator heading to the hangar bay he activated his comm link "What's our ETA" he asked.

"Currently we should be arriving in a few moments general. What is it you intend to find here, from what I know this planet is where jedi get lightsabers from. Why do you want to go back"

"Well let's just say I need another one for better defense against blasters" he hummed and cancelled the call. Heading to his custom personal ship The Rogue Shadow. He walked up to it and passed clone troopers simply giving them nods which he got back from them out of respect.

Arriving to his ship he pressed a button on his forearm gauntlet and a ramp lowered and extended out as he got on. He headed to the cockpit and say down in the pilot seat beginning to press buttons on the center console and dashboard as the ship booted up fully. He waited until the ship's parts opened up allowing him to fly out. He flew off the ship and down to the planet below.

Small timeskip

Galen walked through a blizzard with his eyes closed as he could feel where to go. Muttering to himself about being one with the force and the force being with him. He outstretched a hand and would keep walking. Before feeling the freezing cold go down just a bit and after a few extra moments he felt his hand land on something.

He opened his eyes and saw he had arrived inside the temple entrance area. He looked up and saw the crystal used to melt the entrance. He looked to where it would be but saw no frozen entrance. Must have been another jedi arrived with a group of younglings to construct their lightsabers before he arrived here.

Disregarding this he entered the temple fully heading to the depths to find a crystal for his next lightsaber to use. 'remember the first time. Let the crystal call to you' he focused and closed his eyes kneeling down in a patch of frost on the ground. Meditating he would quickly begin seeing flashes of places within the cave.

He was being guided. After many more minutes of meditation he would stand up and begin walking again. But not opening his eyes, each step taking him closer to the next part of his journey. Galen reached out one hand and kept walking, hearing steps echo out into the depths of the cavern.

Galen opened his eyes seeing a crystal shine in the distance. Immediately knowing this was a call. And he began walking faster and faster until he was running, jumping and running across a wall and jumping to another continuing to run across this one. He jumped forward and used the force to push himself even further and he landed in a rolling motion spreading the impact of landing across his body for less pain in one location.

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