The Rescue

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FYI this part won't be nearly as long as the last one.

We pick up with our trio of jedi and squads of clone troopers heading for the monastery on the planet of Teth in several LA-ATs some of which held All Terrain Tactical Enforcer aka AT-TEs. Obi-Wan checked in via hologram "Alright here's the story. Jabba has given us only one planetary rotation to get his son back to tattooine safe and sound-"

They would keep talking as Galen was focusing with his eyes closed sensing what was to come, or at least trying to. He hasn't fully mastered this ability, as he has been busy working on other force abilities. When the gunship shook from incoming fire his eyes immediately opened

"Close the blast shields lieutenant, get us under the guns!" Anakin ordered the pilot. As he reacted to the report of incoming fire from said pilot as the blast shields on the sides of the gunship closed over with the inside now being pure black before it then all lit up red

"You with us again Gale?" Ahsoka asked looking up at Galen who nodded in response

"Ridge, you're comms got static" A clone told another one who like he said was called Ridge

Ridge slightly slapped the side of his helmet "got it!"

"red light, standby" the pilot said as he landed "welcome to paradise Rock Jumpers"

Then the red lights turned green and the doors opened. Galen rushed out alongside Anakin and Rex followed by Ahsoka "Follow me!" Anakin called out

They all heads underneath a part of the massive structure hiding from the droids. And moments later one of them landed straight in front of them before a friendly blast hit them.

"So, this is where the fun begins" Ahsoka remarked looking at Anakin

"Race you to the top" he offered up the little friendly competition

"I'll give you a head start" she replied grinning

"Your mistake" he ran out as did the clones and Galen. The clones fired grappling cables and pulled themselves up. While Anakin used some reeds to climb

Galen however leapt onto an AT-TE and spotted a ledge he could jump to. So he did, rapidly ascending the massive wall. Deflecting blaster fire as he did so.

Ahsoka would have also began climbing. And when she saw what Galen did it gave her an idea. She then swung over onto an AT-TE and when the spider droids began targeting the walkers which got one of them destroyed Ahsoka climbed to the top and began deflecting blaster fire.

However droids on speeder bikes quickly began flying over and despite Ahsoka's best efforts the walker's left front leg was hit making it lean back heavily and she would fall backwards clinging on.

The speeders would stop midair as Anakin, who was already heading down to help, and Ahsoka would spot Galen reaching his hand out stopping them. Anakin used this to be able to jump from one to the next while slicing the droids up then commandeering the last speeder as Galen released his grip and kept ascending the cliff.

Anakin flew past and Ahsoka watched with surprise "gotta keep up!" he called back to her with a smirk

"hey! No fair!"

As Anakin flew Galen leapt out and grabbed on holding on as they now went upwards and Galen deflected the blaster fire with Anakin firing at the spider droids "Welcome aboard Galen"

Galen smirked and chuckled "just keep flying Skywalker" once they reached the tip Galen would leap off and then bundled up as he was now right between the droids and he let out a yell as he released his force repulse sending the forces flying off. Then Anakin landed beside him reigniting his lightsaber

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