Liberation For Ryloth

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Walking through the only passage way they had to the city was Galen Marek and his team of clones. Galen using his lightsaber to light the way alongside the clones helmet flashlight "General, I heard you were injured on your leg in a prior mission, how is the recovery coming along?" Nyquil asked.

"It's certainly a pain to deal with. But nothing insanely hard to handle. It won't get in the way of the mission" Galen replied glancing around as he was sensing something hostile. He held one hand up. "We set up camp here for now. Then wait for Master Windu to report in." He used one hand to make rocks gather at the entrance of the pathway.

Then he pulled out something from inside one of his belt pouches. He placed it on the ground and brought over some sticks and other useful materials. He then motioned for Ditto who nodded realising what it was as he changed attachments on his blaster. And let out a small amount of flames, starting a fire.

Galen sat before it cross-legged and gestured for the clones to sit too. Which of course they did and took their helmets off. "Sir?" Ditto spoke up. Galen looked up at him questioningly "If you don't mind me asking. What are those words on your armor. Andromeda and Achilles."

"They were clones that died on a mission myself, a small group of clones and General Kit-Fisto went on against General Grievous. They were the only casualties we received unless you count my leg being grazed. I intend to remember them no matter what"

"Why? We're all clones. There can't be that much variety between us" Roton piped in.

"On the contrary you are all very different in your own ways. You merely don't notice it. Take your different types of hair color, certain patterns, Etc. Do you remember when we were back on Christophsis?"

"Of course. There was a Clone betrayer who sabotaged us. Blew up our supplies too. You and a large portion of our Legion were elsewhere on scouting duty." Dash nodded "it's hard to forget. It's still talked about in the barracks"

"He said he did what he did because being slaves to a war you had no control over is no life at all. Even for clones." Galen began using a stick to trace something into the ground "and I agree"

"But this war is why we were even born. Why we're here. As bad as this sounds we owe our lives to this war for being a possibility" Roton argued.

"Tell me, what do you all wish to do after this war" Galen asked. Looking up at them. "Surely you must have thought about it. A life beyond this war"

They all looked at each other. And seemed to be thinking about it quietly among themselves. Then finally Nyquil spoke up first "Well. Farm life seems like it'd be peaceful. Away from war, away from any issues. Just living off the land. Farming Jogan Fruits sounds like a good way to live."

Next was Ditto who spoke up "I figure being a ranger on some small far away peaceful planet would be nice. Just me and the wildlife...Sounds nice you know?"

Galen and the rest of the squad nodded "It sure does. Roton? Dash?" Galen hummed looking at them. He wanted to hear everything from all of them for what they wanted.

"I suppose I'd like to be a technician on some ship repair station. Beautiful pieces of equipment and technology our venators are. Plus I'd continue being a help to others even without being a soldier anymore" Roton answered. Leaning back against a wall as he tinkered with a piece of equipment he was holding.

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