Master and Padawan Together Again

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Republic victory is at hand! Clone troopers, under the command of the Jedi, have successfully invaded the Separatist-occupied world of Ryloth. Anakin Skywalker battles the enemies in the skies, while Obi-Wan Kenobi frees villages from the grip of vile Seperatist leader Wat Tambor. Now Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Galen Marek lead the attack on enemy lines in the final offensive to liberate the capital city of Lessu.

Separatist tanks fired relentlessly at Republic AT-TEs trying to head up the mountain path to get to the capital. In one unlucky AT-TE was Galen and his master Mace Windu. They held onto support handles as the walker rocked side to side due to the bombarded from the tanks.

Suddenly their walker fell to one side and the Clone closest to the pilot reported "front right leg destroyed! Everyone out!"

Windu nodded at Galen and shoved the hatch above them open and they rapidly got out. "Take cover." Windu ordered as he jumped and landed and headed to the front. Placing a hand on the glass of the cockpit and made it shatter as he retrieved the unconscious pilot.

"We have stopped the enemy advance" "Give me those." Two battles droids spoke as the one clearly a higher role than the other snatched the binoculars from him and looked. Seeing the walkers were unable to proceed "Good. Now order out cannon to target their rear units. We'll box them in and blast them to pieces"

Galen was taking cover behind the AT-TE "Clankers have the high ground. Superior aiming chance. And bigger numbers able to take aim. Only about 3 of our walkers could even try to aim accurately at them. But they have numerous tanks aimed at us"

"Understood" Windu nodded setting the pilot down gently and looking at the Clone commander who ran over, "Commander, bring out the Lightning Squadron!"

"I want lightning up here now!" The commander called into his communicator.

From a AT-TE in the rear guard a ramp lowered and AT-RTs ran out with clones atop them. Followed by another set of two coming out and following them as they traversed up the rocky path.

"Get the injured back. I'm gonna clear the road." Windu stated as he began walking. He stood on the other side of the downed AT-TE and closed his eyes. Raising his arms then thrusting them forward. Sending the walker off the mountain.

"Sir, the enemy is advancing again." "Let me see." The same two droids went through basically the same scenario but not good for them.

"Find some cover! Move it, let's go!" A Clone called out to his brothers as blaster fire shot back and forth around him and Lightning Squadron came running past. Two clones hopped off two of the AT-RTs.

"Their all yours, Generals" the two stated as Windu and Galen hopped on.

"We'll lead the way, Commander" with that the two jedi and three clones all rushed on ahead on the walkers. They dodged around the incoming fire from the droids and Galen even absorbed some and fired it back in the form of his force retribution.

"Now those jedi are leading the assault." "This doesn't look good. Concentrate all your fire on those walkers!"

As the firing became more focused they began dodging quicker. Galen leaping to the droids who were going back and forth and landed on their tank "....We surrender."

"Hm. Good choice." Galen stabbed his lightsaber through the console disabling the tank and threw them out "the two I've marked are prisoners now. Don't fire upon them"

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