The Aftermath Of Geonosis

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"Galen, you must run. Be a brave boy for mommy and run. And don't turn back. You have a great gift that we are so sorry for hiding from you. We love you sweetie, now run"
Explosions could be heard as well as the crackling of fire. Cries all around, everywhere never stopping. He could feel fear. He felt his own fear, his parents fear, everyone's fear

Galen Marek awoke with a gasp and a panic. When a hand was placed on his shoulder, he looked up to see master Windy standing there "easy padawan, what do you remember last?"

The boy rubbed his head slightly in pain "I... Remember getting ready to fight alongside you. Nothing after that"

"So the medics were right, well padawan. You, the clones, other jedi and I fought and after a while you suffered a rough injury. They said you were very likely to suffer some memory loss from your injury. Nothing major though, everything else fine?"

"Yes master, I remember everything else. At least everything that's possible to remember for me" he answered as he looked himself over realising he was in medical robes and underneath he felt many bandages

"Good, you should try to get as much rest as possible right now my padawan. I will see you shortly Galen" Windu walked out after that. Galen watched him leave but didn't try to rest, at least he didn't intend to as of yet. Instead he looked around spotting his journal/notebook, he reached out with the force pulling it to his hand. He opened it taking the pencil out as well and began writing in it.

Notes to self, begin searching for ways to better defence against blaster fire, request clearance to begin searching through more holocrons. And to request permission to continue my research into the dark side

Galen put the book and pencil away then laid down, closing his eyes trying to rest. It would take quite some time but he would eventually be able to fall asleep again to help his resting process.


It had not taken that long for Galen to be back on his feet. Merely a few hours of rest as he'd already been recovering before he first awoke. Although he would now have a new reason to train himself more intensely. He would spend entire days training with very few breaks, which he was doing currently with his fellow jedi padawan who's also The Chosen One Anakin Skywalker. They were clashing lightsabers before Galen moved and let Anakin carry his pushing momentum and then he would kick at Anakin.

Anakin stumbled to the side and then swung his blade back up which Galen would block then he would be pushed back slightly by Anakin "I have to admit Marek, your quite skilled with the saber"

"Likewise Skywalker" he replied before he focused while closing his eyes for a moment and Anakin would be confused why he did this, then he would be blown back when Galen released Force Repulse

"Okay, ow. Forgot you had that ability" Anakin hopped back onto his feet "your getting better at that" he then deactivated his lightsaber

Galen slightly panted was a bit tired out but nowhere near as much as before "thanks, but I still need work on that" then he did the same in deactivating the saber. "Thank you for the session" they both bowed to each other with Anakin then leaving. Through a door

Unknown to Galen, Anakin had actually only half seeked him out with no particular reason. But as he was heading there Master Windu had met him halfway and asked he make note of Galen's state then report to Windu. Anakin soon arrived to the Jedi Master's location "Hello sir, as requested I made sure to take note of Galen's current state. He seems fine, mostly. Just very much a bit too dedicated to training."

Windu nodded rubbing his chin "thank you Skywalker, that will be all" He hummed and Anakin bowed then walked away. Windu thought greatly on something. The rest of the council seemed to think that it was time to knight Galen, as he always seemed able to withstand the temptations of the dark side and had great connection to the force. Making him one of if not the youngest jedi Knight ever. And with the war rising in occurrence the order was desperate to get more jedi knights. This strengthened Windu's beliefs that Galen was indeed The One In Balance, he hummed thinking to himself.

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