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"dellingr, it's no use. we have to fall back. the people of this land are more advanced than we originally thought." forseti commanded his elder brother, but dellingr was as dense as a brick wall.

"forseti is correct, brother. the people of khaenri'ah are far advanced. barbatos can make do on his own. tuisto and baduhenna have already fallen. whose to say one of us won't fell next?" y/n announced, clutching onto her spear as a trickle of dark smoke erupted around them. "the land has become infected."

dellingr watched over khaenri'ah from the cliff side. it was close to destroyed. although tuisto and baduhenna were powerful adepti, they had fallen prey to the engulfing flame of the land. dellingr glanced over at his final remaining siblings, forseti and y/n.

"we fight. if we die, we die in honour for mondstadt." dellingr held his sword in the air as he dissolved into a gust of wind, leading on head first into the final battle. forseti and y/n followed after in their own gusts.


the five adepti of mondstadt were more powerful than the adepti that protected liyue

they were siblings, the elder they were, the more powerful they were.

dellingr, the eldest. he was the most ambitious and foward going of all of them.

forseti, the wise sorcerer who often found himself secluded from the rest of his kin.

baduhenna, a beautiful soul. she believed in fairness of all people. god or not. she was known to be very close to guizhong.

tuisto, a dreamy adventurer. his dream was not to be an adeptus, but to travel through all of tevyat fairly. he never got to accomplish this dream.

and lastly, y/n. they had no ill intentions. their only goal was to protect mondstadt. the final standing adeptus of mondstadt.


y/n watched as their brother, forseti was stroked down in his minute of redemption. y/n's eyes widened as the wise sorcerer hit the ground, quickly dissolving into the air. they shook their head and spotted dellingr. he was fighting with what seemed to be a guard. y/b rushed over and blocked an attack from the guard. he wore a smile on his face. his blonde hair swaying in the fumes from the fire.

"y/n. you finally blocked an attack." he said as he threw y/n back on the floor using his sword. they landed on their back and clutched their stomach as they had been winded from the force.

"y/n. you are weak. you must stay back. the rest of them have been defeated, disallow yourself from being defeated also." dellingr roared as he charged at the guard. after a few seconds of pointless fighting, the guard managed to knock dellingrs vision away from him. as y/n lunged to grab it, it tumbled right off the cliff side. dellingr glared up at the guard, who was hovering over him. dellingr glanced back at y/n.

"may you be cursed with immortality for eternity. may you see all your loved ones perish before your eyes."

"may you be immortal for the rest of tevyats time, dainsleif."

dainsleif plunged his sword into dellingrs' chest, causing him to fall backwards. y/n threw themself over towards dellingrs' dying body.

"brother, please. youre the last one i have. don't leave." y/n pleaded with their oldest brother. they looked up to him. dellingr shoved their h/c hair away from their eyes and sighed.

"you're all that mondstadt has left. promise to protect mondstadt, no matter what." dellingr choked out, before falling limp in their arms. he began dissolving away. y/n blinked back their tears as they glanced back up at dainsleif.

"i won't do anything to you today. you live. may we meet again, once you're stronger. then we'll have a real fight." the man disappeared into thin air. y/n stood up from where dellingr once lay. they looked around st the mass destruction. suddenly, a load scream came from the distance. y/n saw barbatos running towards them.

"my lord? why are you running-" barbatos grabbed y/n's wrist and dragged them along with him.


this is the prologue but i swear it'll get better 😧 ill be working on this AND fallen so bare with me😮

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