Chapter 1: The beginning

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2 years ago (7th grade)
Bakugou's pov

I always found myself being very protective of myself, nobody else. It changed when I met Shoto he was different. Calm, humble, and his soul is so pure.

School is always just a waste of time. Having to go 5 days a week and let's be honest you never really learn anything. I only had 2 classes with Shoto, P.E and math. Those were the only classes I looked forward to during the day.

I was walking to math class, but the hallway is always so crowded that I can't find Shoto. I went to his locker, the bathroom, anywhere that I thought he could be. But I didn't find him so I had to quickly make my way to class.

I opened the door and walked to my seat. Luckily class didn't start yet, where could Shoto be? He's almost never late to class because he says that his father would get mad. I've never actually met his father, but he seems like one of those dad's that would terrify his children by just a glare.

The bell had rung and my teacher stood up from her desk and started attendence. Randomly the door flew open, and Shoto sluggishly walked inside of the classroom.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late!" Shoto exclaimed

"Why are you late Todoroki?" Our teacher questioned

I could tell he couldn't find a good excuse. He was staring at her with his beady eyes like he was trying to think. Shoto usually does that face when he was either trying to hide something or it's a serious conversation.

"I'm sorry ma'am I'll do better next time..." He trailed off.

He walked over to the chair next to me and sat down. I looked at him while he was staring at the cherry blossom trees. I remembered how he always liked them since they could always calm him down. I mean who could blame him? They always looked so effortlessly beautiful like him.

"Hey are you okay?" I whispered to him

He looked at me, "Why wouldn't I?"

"You seem like you're upset or hiding something."

He shook his head at me and gave a small smile,"Thanks for caring about me Katsuki."

That smile caught me off guard, and those words did too. He didn't really give me an answer to my question but said something that I couldn't tell why he would say. I cared about him but why would he say thank you to me?

"Why are you saying thank you to me?"

He shrugged,"Because it means a lot too me."

I stared into those heterochromia eyes, they're always something that I could stare at for hours and never get tired of them. But I had to look away because I actually need to focus in class. My mother hates when the teacher calls her about me not paying attention, or yelling.


Math was always one of those classes that I didn't need help with. I always had to help half n half with it because his father was always busy.

He helped me with RLA I always hated that class. We always try to help each other because we both have our weaknesses. But also if we don't do well in school our parents would get mad, who knows what they would do.

We left class after the bell rung signalling that class was over. My next class was science.

I looked at Shoto,"Do you wanna hang out after school today?"

"Sure! But we can't hang out at my house." He responded

"We almost never do anyways." I chuckled

He looked at me with a soft look. I loved when he looked at me like that, it was something special that nobody else would ever see.

I gave him a soft peck on the lips, and ruffled his hair. He hated when I ruffled his hair because then his hair looked "messy" but it was still gorgeous.

"I'll see you after school then" I said

He nodded then walked towards his next class. I sighed, watching him walk away from me was always something that made me upset. Seeing him walk away made me scared that I could never see him again. I was scared of being alone.

I started walking to my class. The tiniest things can make me so upset. Like being away from him, he is my everything and I can't imagine him not being here.

I walked into my classroom and stupid deku was there. I made sure that I sat in the back of the class next to the window, because that was the farthest chair from him.

"Kacchan why do you sit so far away from me?" The stupid nerd asked me

"Because I don't wanna sit near your stupid ass." I looked away already starting to get mad

Deku looked upset but turned around and didn't bother me anymore. I rolled my eyes, it's not that I don't like him he's just annoying.


I was waiting at my locker for Shoto. He's always so late to my locker. Like what could he be doing that takes so long? I sighed and took my phone out of my pocket scrolling through Instagram.

"I'm so sorry, my dad called me and i got distracted! I'm sorry Katsuki!" He looked at me like he was going to cry

"Hey it's fine, you shouldn't cry about it." I cupped his cheeks and kissed him.

He nodded and smiled slightly,"So where should we go?"

I shrugged,"Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't know, we could go to the coffee shop if you want."

I nodded and we both left the school walking to the coffee shop.

"So what did your dad call you about?" I asked

He shrugged,"He didn't really talk about anything, he's probably drunk again."

I nodded, we both walked into the coffee shop. We liked coming here because it's so close to the school. It's also pretty cosy because it's small, Shoto panics when there's a lot of people in an area.

"Hi what could I get for you guys today?" The barista asked us

"Uh can I just get a medium peppermint tea" Icyhot said

"I just want an iced coffee." I said

The barista nodded and we both went and sat down while we wait. Half n half always stares out of windows, it doesn't seem like anything interesting ever happens out there.

"Todoroki and Bakugou's order." the barista called out

I got up and paid then brought our drinks over to the table. Shoto smiled slightly then took a sip of his tea.

"Thank you Katsuki."

I nodded and took a sip of my iced coffee. I loved just being with him, he would always get my head out of reality.

Randomly his phone started ringing. He looked at the caller and walked away answering the phone. I sat waiting for him to come back.

He walked back,"I gotta go, but I'll see you again sometime."

"Where are you going?" I asked him

"My dad wants me to go home, thank you very much though Katsuki!"

He grabbed his tea and left. I sat there almost like something was wrong. When I'm not with him it's always like something is wrong so I didn't think anything about it.

The next day he wasn't at school...and the next day. Soon it became he wasn't there anymore. All I can think about is what if I didn't let him leave that day.

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