Chapter 2: Welcome back

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Current time (first year of UA)
Shoto's pov

Father took me away from all of my friends 2 years ago. He found out that me and Bakugou were dating and beat me until I was curled into a ball on the floor coughed up blood. Fuyumi helped me recover but I never recovered mentally.

For 2 years my father has trained me to be the best I could be. I never used my left side, I despised that man with every part of my soul. If Bakugou found out what happened, he would too.

Every night we would "train" but all that happened was me be beat onto the floor and slammed into the walls. Some walls have dents in them from how hard I was thrown into them. Only I'm haunted by what happened on the floor. When I step into the training room all I can remember is this is where I bled.

I'm lucky that this year father is letting me go to UA. I'm going to get my own dorm and hopefully never have to come back into this house that haunts me. I will only come back for Fuyumi because Natsuo is in medical school so he shouldn't be here.

I was in my room packing my bag for the dorms. Today everyone was supposed to just settle into the dorms. I heard we're also going to be having roommates. Which I'm happy about because I have trouble being alone. But I don't know anyone so I don't trust anybody.

I sighed hoping that it was gonna be okay. I didn't realize that the door opened and Fuyumi had walked in. I turned to the door and slightly jumped.

"Fuyumi can you not knock?" I placed my hand on my chest

She giggled,"sorry Sho but I just wanted you to know that I started the car, so hurry up I'll meet you there."

She left and closed the door. I looked around my room making sure that I hadn't forgotten anything. I finally zipped my suitcase and backpack and left my room. Closing the door I remembered to lock it, just in case I did forget something my father wouldn't take it.

I opened the front door, and the brisk autumn air hit my face. It reminded me of those days when me and Bakugou used to play together. I really missed him, we both dreamed of going to UA so I hope I can find him here.

I walked to the car and opened the passengers side door and got in. Fuyumi started driving me to UA, I think she realized how nervous I was.

"So what are you most excited for Sho?" She asked

I shrugged my shoulders,"Probably meeting people, but also I've always wanted to become a hero so this just gets me closer to my dream."

She nodded and turned, then right in front of us was UA. I couldn't believe that I was finally going here. She parked then I got out of the car. I grabbed my backpack and suitcase then waved goodbye to her.

I started walking towards where the dorms are located. I was walking and started getting anxiety. I hurried to the dorms and sighed when I walk inside.

There isn't that many people here right now. I was grateful for that, so I look on my phone and see the room I was assigned. '8' which means I'm on the 3rd floor.

I pressed the elevator button, and waited patiently. The elevator came and I got on it. The doors opened and I looked around for room 8. I found the room and knocked, I waited a second before I went inside. I opened the door and I never expected what I'm looking at.

"B-Bakugou" I called out

He sat up on his bed and looked up from his phone.

"Oh great! another extra..." It took him a second to realize who he was looking at.

I closed the door and put my suitcase and backpack on my bed. This was the best situation that could have happened.

"Why are you here!?" He yelled at me

I was caught off guard,"What do you mean by that?"

"You left me at that stupid coffee shop, and never came back for me! I was all alone and had fucking nobody!" He yelled angry

"Bakugou... my father found out we were dating, he pulled me out of school and I wasn't allowed to leave the house."

I couldn't tell him about everything that happened. Honestly I can't believe it myself. If I told him what happened he would just think I'm trying to get pity.

Bakugou knew me too well. He doesn't know me anymore, I changed and he probably did too. I used to always want pity because everyone thought I had a great life when I didn't.

But now was completely different. I didn't want pity, and I realized that my life could have been a lot worse. I can't trust Bakugou like I did, he changed.

"You won't even call me Katsuki anymore." He looked down at the floor.

"Ka-" I was cut off

"Don't say it. You would just say it because you fucking felt pity. I don't need your stupid pity because I'll be the number 1 hero and you'll be the one people feel pity for." He spat at me

"Why would I get pity Bakugou?"

"Because you'll be a failure to your father and your whole family."

Those words hit me hard. I didn't want to be the number 1 hero, and I also already knew that I was a failure to my whole family.

But hearing it from Bakugou, the person I used to trust with my life say that, I felt like I was falling off a building like it was my fate.

If I fell off a building nobody would save me. That scared me, feeling like I was just another citizen that would die and not be saved.

Bakugou always knew how to make people scared. Not of him, but he knew what they were scared of. Almost like it was a 6th sense, detecting people's fear.

I sighed and sat on my bed. Staring at Bakugou's back. He was always somebody that caught my attention, but now I don't know how I'm supposed to feel.

"What if I was falling off a building would you save me...?" I questioned

He turned around and looked straight into my eyes,"Why would I save someone that left me alone?"

I stared back at him, I almost felt like I couldn't breath. Those eyes were always reassuring, but those words really hurt.

I could tell he was being serious, there was no doubt behind those words. I nodded and looked away from those crimson eyes.

"Are you going to tell me to take a swan dive off the roof like you did to Midoriya?" I asked

Bakugou looked at me like he was terrified,"I would never tell you to do that"

I looked at him, and his crimson red eyes were filled with tears. Nobody would have ever guessed that Katsuki Bakugou would cry, for someone as pathetic as me.

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