Chapter 8: Attacked

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Todoroki pov

*While at the cherry blossom tree*

Petals are falling...

Staring up at the sky while petals fall all around me. The pink petals off of the cherry blossom tree lands softly in my hair.

Pink petals...

They always fall off with the swift breeze. The brisk autumn air pushes them until they fall. Almost like a push to their death.

The swift breeze...

While the petals fall to the ground the breeze carries them softly. Almost reminds me of the breeze through my hair in my nightmares. The poor pink petals meet their fate, soon we all will too.


*A week later*

I've made a few new friends Uraraka, Tsu, and Iida. They're very nice to me, but I feel like something is off. I always do since I barely ever talk.

Midoriya is also part of this friend group. I realized he's more distant than he used to be. But that doesn't bother me since I'm the exact same way.

Yaoyorozu isn't part of the friend group. We are just personal friends really. I don't think it's necessary to be in a friend group.

I was sitting on the corner of my bed. Bakugou was out hanging out with his friends. He doesn't consider them as friends but they definitely are.

I never really want to hang out with my friends. It's nothing about them, it's me. I'm worried that if I get too close to them I could end up hurting them.

I've always had these insecurities and anxiety. Lots of people have them, my older brother Touya used to have really bad anxiety.

He was someone that always helped me when I was younger. Then he left which caused me more anxiety. I was always worried that my other siblings would leave.

I feel bad now because now we've all gone separate ways. I left Fuyumi with my father. I shouldn't have but she'll leave hopefully soon.

I sighed waiting for Bakugou takes a while. I mean I should be thinking about who the people were that was talking about me.

But that is a lot of work. I don't know really anything about the people that live here. Are we even sure it wasn't the LOV?

I layed on my bed, these days a lot of things are on my mind. School isn't very interesting. I have to be careful because I don't want people to know my weakness.

Lots of people don't know my weakness. I don't think anybody really knows. They might have an idea but it's probably not accurate.

I closed my eyes, I heard the door open a few seconds later. Bakugou probably just got back.

Why does it feel different though? Suddenly I could feel 2 hands around my neck. I quickly shot open my eyes, the person was wearing a mask and a hood.

I couldn't detect who this person was. But whoever it is clearly wants me dead or wants to threaten me.

I struggled against this person's grip. Slowly I could feel my consciousness slip away.


*Author pov*

The hooded man still wouldn't release his grip. Todoroki's face started to look uncomfortable even while he wasn't aware.

A female peered into the room,"Don't you think that's enough? We don't want him dead yet."

He released his grip,"Let's be honest he should be dead already. I'm surprised Katsuki hasn't killed him yet."

"He wouldn't kill someone based off of my research."

"Have you actually ever paid attention to how he acts?" He started walking to the girl.

She shook her head,"Of course not, I'm just simply trying to help you."

He nodded and left the room. The lady had walked into the room looking around.

Almost like she was looking for something in particular. She looked at the nightstand.

"This is exactly what shall make him happy!"

She grabbed the watch on the table, and took some of the money that was there.

Then took a glance at Shoto,"If only you weren't such a problem."

She looked over his face memorizing the features. Then looked at his neck that now has a bruise because of how much pressure was on it.

She chuckled then left the room closing the door. She skipped down the hallway humming a sweet and beautiful tune.


Sorry that this chapter is shorter than normal. I really wanted to leave on a cliffhanger. Who do you guys think the 2 people are?

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