Chapter 11: Closer the better

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Bakugou's pov

Those teary eyes always knew how to make me soft. It doesn't even need to be something that I did. Just looking at him, made me melt.

I was only gone for 5 minutes and something happened. He must have been scared, he didn't even cry when he was being choked.

Why didn't he cry then? He could have been killed but was fine with it. It was almost as if he didn't even care. So what scared him so badly now?

When Todoroki was younger everything scared him. I need to figure out what happened these past 2 years to make him like this.

I feel like I'm caring about his problems too much. He seems like he accepted his fate. As if he already knew it wasn't going to end well.

We haven't even figured anything out and he's already given up. He couldn't even fight when he was being choked. He probably just sat there waiting for death to occur.

"What happened?" I asked

He didn't respond immediately,"Something was on the ceiling."

I tilted my head, that sounded odd. I looked at the ceiling and it seemed like nothing ever happened.

"It was probably you imagining something."

"Bakugou I know what I saw! It felt too real for me to just be imagining it all!"

"Then what was it!?"

"Some weird black goo or something. It had a creepy smile and eyes."

Something had to of happened. This couldn't be the only reason he was scared.

"Then the mouth screamed, I swear it was a scream from someone I know!" He yelled

"Icyhot, you need to calm down. Nothing happened that injured you right?"

He shook his head, but he still looked like he was traumatized. I sighed and got into bed right next to Todoroki. Then I wrapped my arms around him, and cuddled him throughout the night.


*Authors pov*

"We can't just go get Endeavour, he's going to be very difficult." The man said

"That's why we go for someone that is an easy target, and close to Todoroki." The lady responded

It was late at night, and these 2 we're trying to figure out their next target. They wanted someone close to Todoroki but was easy to capture.

She was sitting on a couch. While he was walking back and forth anticipating.

"I have the perfect person!" She exclaimed

"Who is it?" He stopped walking

"Fuyumi Todoroki."

"That's a good idea, but that might be too close."

She shrugged,"Sometimes the closer the better. Plus she's vulnerable so it's an easy target."

He nodded and thought about it for a second. Everyone knows that when you capture someone closer, the easier to get caught.

"Let's get her, but I'm not taking the risk of killing her like Aizawa."

The girl nodded and got up from the couch. Then she left the room, probably to do her job.


*A day later also Bakugou's pov again*

I was sitting in the classroom. It was pretty early in the morning. But our classes started earlier today since we're going to be training later.

Only about half of the class is here so far. I'm surprised Todoroki isn't here yet. When I was leaving the dorm he was still asleep.

I didn't want to wake him up, if he's late that's his fault. Checking my phone I realized class was starting in 10 minute.

"Hey bro! Where's Todoroki?" Tape arms asked me

"Why do you care!?" I turned around and faced him

He shrugged,"It's just unlike him to not be here."

Suddenly Icyhot walked through the door and sat in his seat. I'm going to have to talk to him after school. Probably during training later.


Well class was supposed to start 30 minutes ago. Aizawa has still not showed up. Our class was starting to get nervous. Something wasn't right, he sleeps a lot but he would still show up.

"W-What if he never shows up?" Stupid Deku asked

"The principal has to know by now, he's probably trying to figure it out." Four eyes commented

The class fell silent, way too silent. I could tell that I was starting to panic a bit. Something was really bad, but what was it? Suddenly...sirens went off. The school was being attacked, of course at the worst time.


Sorry that this chapter is shorter than normal. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and keep reading! Please keep voting and showing your support!

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