Chapter 6: Nightmare

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Todoroki's pov

*Suicide thoughts warning*

One step...

That's all it took for me to fall. Maybe even a push to fall to my death. Lights flash like camera's, but this time nobody cares. They're all taunting me basically asking me to take the step.

One push...

I would be off the building. Nothing, or nobody to save me in time. But I don't think that would even matter to people. I can already feel the breeze going through my hair as I was falling.

One breath...

And my life would be over. At this point, not even any nurses or doctors could save me. The huge crack in my head was too broken like this body of mine.

*Warning over*

I quickly sit up in my bed, so much sweat was dripping off of my face. I looked around the room and nothing was how I thought.

I wasn't at the place or the time. I breathed a short breath. Nothing seemed like it was going to help my heart rate.

I could feel the tears form into my eyes. I knew if I let them fall it would take a while to stop. I didn't want to wake Bakugou up, especially with something as stupid as this.

I swallowed so hard that it almost hurt my throat. I couldn't control how I was acting. Everything seemed as if I was still dreaming.

But that wasn't really a dream, or was it? I started thinking it was a dream but know that I actually think about it.

It wasn't a dream, it was when I was in that house. Now it wasn't so what is my dream?

Every time I sleep I only think about how it would be to be falling. Mentally and physically, nothing could ever get my head out of those thoughts.

I looked over at Bakugou's bed. He always looked so peaceful, but when he's awake he looks so frustrated.

Those crimson eyes were the only thing that made me want to talk to him when we first met.

I got out of bed and gently shook him. I was worried that he was going to yell and be angry. But honestly I just needed comfort.

His eyes opened slowly,"What do you want icyhot...?"

"Can I lay with you?" I gulped

I could see that he was trying to read the expression I had. It wasn't hard to tell I was upset since my eyes were teary and my face probably looked scared.

"Sleep on the other side of the bed. Don't you dare think I would cuddle you just because you had a stupid nightmare." He grumbled

I walked to the other side of the bed. I was lucky that he was even allowing me to sleep in the same bed as him. I quickly got under the covers and faced his back.


He sighed,"What do you want now?"

"This is serious." I stated

He rolled over and faced me. Those crimson red eyes looked prettier in the night. Almost as if they were sparking...probably with hatred.

"What is it?" He asked

"Did you mean what you said...about not saving me?"

He gave me a soft look,"I was mad, I shouldn't have said that. Because if I want to be the number 1 hero I have to try to save people I can."

That really wasn't the answer I wanted. He would only try to save me because he had to. Not because he would feel terrible, but because it helped what he wanted.

He didn't want me all he cared about was being the number 1 hero. I nodded, and turned over. I didn't want to look at him anymore.

I sighed, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. A day that me and Bakugou didn't fight. I laugh or make more friends. A day when I don't have to worry if I'll be beaten onto the floor.


I yawned and slowly opened my eyes. The sun seemed bright this morning. I sat up and looked next to me, Bakugou was still asleep.

It wasn't very surprising since he's always slept for a while. I quietly got out of bed and changed.

I put on a white short sleeved shirt, black ripped jeans, a red scarf and put on white shoes.

I left the dorm and went to the elevator. While I was waiting a girl with black hair came up to me.

"Hello! I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, but you can call me Yao-Momo." She smiled and waved at me

"I'm Shoto Todoroki."

The elevator finally came and we got on. This girl seemed nice, but I just don't really like talking to people.

"You mean you're Endeavors son?"

I nodded, why did she have to refer to me like that? Nobody knows how bad my dad is but can't I be my own person?

The doors opened and I went to the kitchen. I opened the cabinets to see what was in there. I found pancake mix, so I decided to make those.

The problem was I never was taught how to cook. So maybe they turned out very brown. They weren't burnt but definitely not perfect.

I sighed and brewed some coffee in the coffee maker. I made 5 pancakes, I made 2 for me and 3 for Bakugou.

Maybe he can help me next time when I cook. I grabbed 2 cups, I put orange juice in one and put the freshly brewed coffee in the other.

What I didn't think about was how I was supposed to get it all upstairs. I crouched down and looked through some more cabinets.

I found a tray and put everything on there. I put some silverware on there too. Then I made the journey back upstairs.


I opened the door and put the tray on the dresser. I grabbed my plate and sat down in a chair. I started eating and drinking my orange juice.

"What did you make?" I heard Bakugou ask

"Pancakes, they aren't perfect though." I sighed

He got out of bed and grabbed his plate and coffee. Then he sat in the chair next to me.

He cut a piece of the pancake and tried it. I was looking at him with so much hope.

"Are you sure you mixed it properly?"

That question caught me off guard. I tried some of the pancake and I didn't taste like that.

"I mixed it of course."

"Did you add everything?" He asked

"I added eggs, and vanilla..." I trailed off

"Well that's what it is. Usually I add milk, and cinnamon to them." I nodded in response

Remind me to not make pancakes ever again, especially for Bakugou. The rest of the time while he was eating he acting like it was difficult to eat.

Even when he was drinking his coffee he acted like it was odd. Maybe it was because I didn't add milk or sugar.


Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you guys continue reading. Every time I see someone vote or read this story I get very happy! Thank you guys so much!

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