Chapter 4: Panic

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Todoroki pov

I had to leave, he was going to find out. I can't have him know what happened these past 2 years. If I told him he would think I want pity.

*Suicidal thoughts warning*

If I was falling off a building I wouldn't have to worry about this. My lips would never open again. Almost as if they were sealed with every secret, story, and thought would be hidden from the world.

Stop it...

As I fall my eyes would slowly seal shut. The wind was soft and blowing around me. Nobody would have to see these eyes again.

Stop it...!

While the wind swirls around my body I feel like I was floating. But nobody would save me. The only sound everyone would hear, CRACK! I stopped falling, and pain was the last thing I felt.

Stop it!

*Warning over*

My knees fell to the ground, my peppermint tea spilled onto the sidewalk. My heart was racing, those thoughts felt so real.

I breathed in the cool autumn air. After I gained my breath I stood up, I was upset about my peppermint tea. I didn't even get a sip of it.

I started walking back to UA, I had nothing else to do. But I thought about going to the cherry tree that's close to the school.


These trees had always calmed me. The way they sway in the windy fall air. The pink stole your gaze because of how light it was.

I sighed, what was I supposed to do? Apologize to Bakugou or act like nothing happened. If I apologize he's just going to ask what happened

I looked up at the tree. I don't think I should bring it up today, or ever really. If he brings it up I might tell him.

I'm scared though, I've always been scared. I'm scared that I could get pity, or he might laugh and not believe me. My thoughts have always caused me so much anxiety. Cherry blossom trees always seemed to help.

My mother used to take me to look at these trees all the time. The house was always overwhelming. She used to sit down right in front of the tree and hum softly.

I would lay my head on her lap. Her soft cold hands would run through my hair messing it up. I used to giggle and smile so brightly.

But it all changed after the incident, she left and father sayed she was never coming back. I wasn't allowed to visit her, I'm still scared to go.

I started walking away from the tree. It was time to get back to UA, maybe I'll meet some friends or train.

It was getting late, I checked my phone. Somehow it was already 5:46 pm, I always hated being outside when it was dark.

Father sayed nighttime was when villains were most active. I fought a villain with father once, but he made me do most of the work. I remember how I ended up all beaten up from it, I was only 7 at that time.


I walked into the dorms, and there was a lot more people than earlier. I gulped and tried to make myself not noticable.

"Guys we should introduce ourselves!" A girl with short brown hair and pink cheeks called out

"That takes too much time." Said a guy that looks like a bird

A girl with pink skin responded,"It's just a great way to get to know each other!"

While I was looking around I recognized someone. He had green hair which reminded me of Midoriya. But I never really talked to him, he was just Bakugou's childhood friend.

We had a few conversations before because of Bakugou being mean to him. He was someone that always needed advice. Which helped me because I actually felt like I was needed.

He turned around and gave me a glance. That was definitely Midoriya, he looked the exact same except a bit taller.

I walked over to him slowly. I didn't know if he really wanted to talk to me or not. He didn't give me any sign that he didn't want to talk.

"Hey Todoroki-kun!" He smiled

That smile caught me off guard,"Hi Midoriya, how have you been?"

After I asked that question I regretted it because then he just started rambling. It wasn't abnormal for him but it was quit annoying. Couldn't he just give me a simple answer?

I started looking around, the common room didn't look too bad. It was very bland though. I was hoping that soon we will add decorations and items to it.

"How have you been Todoroki-kun?" I heard Midoriya ask

I looked at him,"I've been good, nothing terrible has happened."

He nodded,"So where were you for the past few years?"

I didn't expect him to realize. We barely ever talked so how did he realize?

My eyes widened a bit," I'm surprised you realized."

"Yeah, kacchan was pretty upset about it, so what happened?" He tilted his head

"Oh I was just homeschooled, but to be a pro hero you have to go to UA so now I'm back."

I had to lie, I mean it wasn't a full lie. Fuyumi teached me when I was home, and I trained. UA was the only way to get away from home and become a pro hero.

He nodded then left to go talk to other people. I leaned again the wall, I can't talk to anyone I don't know them. I sighed and waited maybe someone will talk to me.


Nobody ever came over to talk to me. I looked like a weird kid just in the corner of the room. Was I scary or something?

Bakugou wasn't here which confused me. He was probably in the dorm, he never really liked making friends. I don't either but at least I show up.

I sighed then made my way to the kitchen. I looked around and found a bag of pocky. It was chocolate, which wasn't my favorite but it was okay.

I grabbed the bag and made my way to the elevator. I pressed the button and waited for the doors to open at the 4th floor.

They opened and I walked to the dorm. I knocked and went inside. Bakugou was on his bed listening to music.

I heard him humming softly. I always thought he would listen to loud, upbeat music. But he listens to sad, meaningful music.

I walked over and tapped him on his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder and took an earbud out.

"What do you want half n half bastard?!"

"I brought you these." I held out the chocolate pocky for him.

He looked hesitant, but grabbed them. I turned around and sat on my bed. I heard him open the package and munch on the sweet sticks. It made me happy, maybe he'll start trusting me more.


Hey I hope you guys are enjoying this story. Please keep enjoying and vote for my book. I really appreciate your love and support.

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