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Evangelia kept her head down whenever she walked through the hallways of school. She did not want to draw any attention to herself, and she definitely did not want to come across Merida and her girl group, or worse, Merida's older sister, Ruby and her girl group.

Ruby and Merida were the high school's mean girls and queen bees. They were sisters whose dad works as an important minister, which automatically gave them the ability to order anyone around as they please. Ruby was a senior, while Merida was a freshman like Evangelia.

Ruby had taken "control" of the whole school, and her little sister would be her "successor". Every girl would have to wear prim and pretty blouses at their school, in order to avoid Ruby and Merida's cold glares and snark remarks.

Eva wondered if Ming would ever follow this dress code. Ming never seem to fit any bright clothing, let alone wear blouses like the rest of the girls at school. But having memory of last night's events, Ming must have those blouses if not she could never offer a change of clothes for Eva last night.

While in deep thought about Ming, Eva didn't look where she was heading. She crashed hard onto someone, and immediately recognised the overpowering perfume that was used. Damn it, so much for not drawing any attention to herself, Eva scolded herself.

"Well well, if it isn't Evangelia," Merida sneered. Eva dropped her head low, preparing an apology speech in her head. Merida began to inspect Eva's outfit, her sneer as ugly as ever.

Eva tugged down on her crop top, feeling self conscious about herself. Who gave Merida the right to inspect her anyway? "Well, this is the ugliest skirt I've ever seen! Why, it's so short and you have nothing to show off!" Merida exclaimed dramatically.

The girls behind Merida snickered haughtily, and Eva's cheeks went red. She didn't like being at the center of attention, especially when it came to Merida and her girl clique. Merida smirked, lowering her voice, "If you don't want us to tear that horrid skirt apart, fucking change."

Eva bit her lip and nodded to Merida's orders like an obedient dog, willing herself not to cry in front of Merida. The girls laughed while Eva bent down to pick up the books she dropped. Merida patted Eva's head, as if she was really Merida's pet dog.


A gasp erupted from the girls, and the bystanders who were looking on the exchange between Eva and Merida. Eva's eyes shot up, a dark, black figure stood over her. She knew who it was immediately.

"Ming?" Eva said in shock. Ming was here! She had just slapped Merida's hand right off Eva's head.

Ming was bold, and asking for death, thought Eva. Merida too, was shock that someone actually had the audacity to slap her.

Ming gave Eva a look, a look Eva couldn't decode because Ming had her hood on. "Excuse me? Who are you? How rude!" Merida shrieked exasperatedly. Ming drew back her hood, her hands running to tugged a strand of her wet hair behind her ear.

She ignored Merida, and turned to Eva. "You okay?" She asked Eva softly, and Eva nodded. Ming bent down to pick up the rest of Eva's books up. After she handed the books back to Eva, she shot a glare at Merida.

"I think you ought to screw somewhere else if your huge self is gonna cause people to bump into you," Ming said coolly. Merida gasped, placing a fake hand to her heart as if Ming had said something offensive to her. "How dare you! Do you know who you're talking to?" Merida said dramatically.

Ming rolled her eyes, "No, I don't. Even if I do, I don't give a shit," the words slipped off Ming's tongue easily. Merida scrunched her nose up at Ming, at this moment, Ruby turned up.

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