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"Where exactly are you taking me Ming?" Eva questioned, as she glanced sideways at Ming in the driver's seat. Eva admired the way Ming gripped the steering wheel; her strong, slender fingers wrapped tightly around the wheel, her rings gleaming brightly in the light. Ming's sleeves were rolled up, tight around her biceps, amplifying the muscles. Eva sucked in a breath.

Ming kept her eyes focused on the road as she muttered in a low voice, "You'll see." Eva pouted, turning away from Ming and looking out the window. They have driving for nearly half an hour now, and they have just entered a narrow, deserted road, with nothing but trees around them.

But as Ming dropped one of her hands from the wheel to grip Eva's thigh, Eva removed the pout from her face and concentrated on not flushing red from the heat that was radiating off her thigh. Eva gulped, hoping they'll reach their destination soon.

Ming took a left towards a clearing, parking her car in one of the parking spots. Eva unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car, her thigh becoming cold from the absence of the Ming's hand. She glanced around her surroundings.

All around them were just trees. Endless trees. And the carpark Ming had parked at was abandoned.

"Great, so we're in the middle of nowhere," Eva grunted, watching as Ming took out a basket and a picnic mat from the trunk. Ming rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Have a little optimism my love, we're not in the middle of nowhere. Come with me."

Reluctantly, Eva took Ming's hand and let Ming lead her into the woods. They walked for awhile, and Ming seemed to be mapping out where they were walking. Which was great, Eva thought to herself, because the last thing she wanted is to be lost in the middle of a soulless forest.

Eva felt Ming tug on her hand, and she glanced up. They seemed to have come out of the woods, and Eva took in the vast land of sand in front of her, the salty smell of the ocean, and the slapping sounds of waves as they hit the shores.

Holy shit, Ming!

Eva broke away from Ming's grasp and ran forward, her sandals collecting sand as she stepped towards the rose petals that were out of place on the beach. She stared at them, feeling Ming brush up against her.

"What is this?" Eva asked.

Ming breathed out, "Well, the rose petals were supposed to spell out 'I love you Eva', but obviously the wind is not on my side." Eva let out a loud laugh, which echoed through the air around them. "You really thought rose petals would work on a beach?" Eva commented.

Ming chuckled, "Nope, I wanted to try anyway."

Ming began to lay out the picnic mat, placing down the basket she brought along and taking out the contents in them. Eva stood watching as Ming aligned cupcakes on a cupcake stand, unboxing sandwiches, fruits and sushi, placing them wooden plates and bowls for the fruits.

Lastly, Ming produced a big bottle of champagne and two glasses, popping the cork expertly, she filled the glasses with fizzy champagne without spilling a drop. Ming glanced up at Eva, squinting her eyes as the sun got into them, she asked, "I brought some lights, do you want them?"

Eva giggled, finally taking a seat on the mat. Snatching a strawberry from the bowl, she bit into the juicy fruit and squealed at the sweetness. Ming laughed, taking a coil of fairy lights out from the picnic basket.

Nearly choking on her fruit, Eva uttered, "Oh, you actually brought lights. I thought you were joking. It's romantic." Ming laughed as she slowly uncoiled the lights, laying them around the perimeter of the mat.

Ming sat back down and handed a pair of chopsticks to Eva for the sushi. They sat in silence while they ate, chewing on the soft rice, taking huge bites out of the delicious sandwiches, and slurping on the sweet juices of the berries.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2024 ⏰

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