Sano Manjiro (Fluff)

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Find Me

Soulmate au, where 2 people have visions of their significant other the closer their heart leads them to the other.


The crisp moonlight shone against Mikey's window as he had a meeting with his gang, more specifically the higher ups.

His head had an image of a beautiful woman. He couldn't see her face clearly, and he couldn't see where she was in his head, but he wanted to find her.

Right after the meeting was finished, Mikey decided to take a walk around one of Japan's finest cities.

His work schedule was usually so busy that he hadn't even had the time to be with himself, and recollect who he was. Lately, he felt as if something was missing. His heart was full around itself, but the very middle lacked something he couldn't put his finger on.

Little did he know, this night would change him forever. The night sky illuminated beautiful rainbow lights, much like Alaska's northern lights.

Mikey's heart told him that the lights were for him, but his thoughts were too loud. All he could think about was that woman.

As Mikey came close to a corner, he realized a woman walking in front of him. He recognized something about her, but he couldn't understand what.

His thoughts were screaming, and his heart was trying to be heard.

He decided not to worry about it, and took a left, instead of right where the woman was turning.

After some time, he arrived at another part of town. He wasn't here to do anything of course, he was just existing here, at this certain moment in time.

He closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath in. He felt free, he felt like he was his own person, not the person who was the leader of a gang, that was always stuck in boring meetings about certain parts of Tokyo, or planning different fights with other gangs to make sure Bonten stayed on top.

Once Mikey opened his eyes, he saw the woman from his thoughts, except she was much clearer now.

He was so baffled that he closed his eyes, and opened them again, but this time she was gone.

Out of desperation, Mikey yelled, "Where'd you go?!" He didn't understand why the image of a woman in his head made him feel this emotion called "desperation".

He tried to imagine her again, and when he did he saw her sitting on the balcony of a tall building, in front of the moon. Her back was to him, and her hair was flowing in the wind.

A name popped up in his mind, stuck in the back of his throat. He wanted so badly to know what it was, but he couldn't.

Suddenly, he remembered the building he saw her on, and darted toward that direction. He didn't know why, but his heart was pumping and he HAD to find you no matter what.


At last, Mikey stood in front of the beautiful hotel he owned. He wasted no time, and made his way inside. He didn't need identification of course, so he went toward the front desk and grabbed the key to his most fancy room.

As he darted up the stairs, he kept hearing broken parts of a name, replaying loudly in his mind.

He kept going, he didn't know what his goal was, but his heart led the way, even though he didn't know it.

Once he stood in front of the door, his mind began screaming again, but he didn't care. He was here, and he had to continue on.

Mikey unlocked the door, and walked toward the balcony entrance.

He opened the door, and what he saw almost made his heart collapse.

There she was, Sitting on the balcony just like in his vision he was having all night. He could finally hear the words his heart was trying to get to him.

"Y/N?" he uttered your name in such an angelic tone, he didn't even know who you were, but he knew you for years without knowing you. He finally found you.

The girl turned around, speechless that the man who was in her vision stood in front of her. Her heart yelled the broken words she could hear in her mind.

"Manjiro?" She slowly slipped her body off of the railing of the balcony and walked toward him.

They both slipped their hands into each other, and identified the other's face as confirmation that it was them.

Their hearts entangled with each other, and they felt free.

"Where have you been all my life?" Mikey uttered in shaky breaths.

"Watching you through my visions." She wrapped your arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest, listening to the way his heart beat, in sync with hers.

"Let's be free together." Mikey started.

"And live a new, happy life." Y/N finished.

Together in sync, they spoke.

"Runaway with me."

They planted their lips on each other, and shared a beautiful kiss.

Putting their hands in one anothers, they ran out of the hotel, and toward a new life.

They didn't care what they were leaving behind, all they cared about was what they were arriving toward.

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