Lelouch Vi Brittania (Smut)

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The afternoon sun burst through the school windows. You lifted your head off your desk after hearing the loud blaring of the school bell. You squinted hard, trying to adjust your eyes to the insane brightness that you were just subject to.

As all the students hurriedly gathered their things and left, you sat at your desk, trying to regain your composure. You remembered that the student council was holding a meeting soon, as it was the last period of the day.

Slowly and reluctantly, you stood up and began gathering all of your supplies and books and headed toward your locker. You couldnt attend the meeting long, due to your requested presence at the Black Knights HQ.

On the way, you were greeted by a tall lanky boy you've had a small crush on for a while now.

"Oh, Lelouch. Whats up, you havent been showing up for meetings?"

The boy placed his hand on his head as if he had too much on his mind. Really you didnt care too much about his slackery, You just missed his presence there.

"I've just been caught up with some personal matters unrelated to school. No need to worry." He looked to you and gave a small, reassuring smile.

"Alright then," You heaved a sigh, "I won't pry any longer." You answered, much to his dissatisfaction.

Oblivious to your reciprocating feelings, he had strong feelings for you. He didnt know what it was, but he knew it was nothing like the feelings he had for Nunnally. Of course he knew of your involvement with the knights, you were one of his 3rd division members. His feelings for you had grown each passing day seeing as he had been around you everyday for almost 2 months now, of course you had no idea he was Zero.

You both continued walking toward the council room, playfully laughing and joking as you made your way. It was a very natural feeling that you both didnt have to force.

As you both walked in, Rivalz and Nunnally immediately recognized your presence.

"Hey guys! you finally arrived!" announced Rivalz. He was such an energetic boy.

"Lelouch!" Nunnally utterly loved her brother, he was always there when she needed, and they had the greatest bond.

"Nunnally! I'm terribly sorry but i cant stay today, i have important matters to tend to. Please save my work for me." Without letting anyone say anything else, He walked out of the door, no longer in sight.

Well , guess his attendance wouldnt be changing after all. You mentally sighed, hopefully he'd be back someday.

**timeskip before the meeting at HQ**

The cold air of HQ danced on your skin as you undressed out of your school uniform and into your BK uniform. Your presence was requested in conference room B, so you began your trek toward that direction.

As you climbed the stairs you thought about what news could be waiting to be heard. There haven't been many huge missions planned in a while, just backup preparations as such.

As you climbed the final stair, you walked into the room you needed to be in and sat down.

"Ah, L/N. Nice to see youre here. Please sit down so we can discuss the plans for our next mission." Zero spoke through his mask at the front of the room. You waved and obliged, walking over to the only free chair in the room.

As Zero finished briefing all of you as to what was going to be happening during your mission, He began to transition into the next part of the meeting; assignments. He gave everyone in the room their assignments and sent them on their way after receiving their own. You were the last one in the room with Zero.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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