Chapter 7

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Sorry for not updating in awhile been kinda busy.

Thus whole chapter is still gonna be in Nat's. Im sure ur be happy with this chapter, well I hope u will.


I woke up a couple hours later from someone knocking on the door. I groaned and got off the couch and went to the door. I yawned and streched then opened the door to see Rainy? "Rainy?" I ask confused. "uh, hi Nat." He says akwardly. "what are you doing here?" I ask. He looks hesitant but speaks "i uh have somethin to tell you.." "o....k, come on in." I say and open the doot wider and move outta the way. He walks in heistantly and stands by the wall. I close the door and turn around and face him. He looks at me and i look at him, he stares into my eyes and i stare back and thats when u feel the tingles go through my body.

I gasp and look at him wide-eyed. He smiles and says "do you feel the tingles?" I shake my head and faster then i can blink he has me up against the door. I gasp and look at him shocked. He leans in closer and whispers "can i kiss u?" I nod slowly and watch as he leans in and presses his lips to mine. He's kisses me and i kiss him back. He smiles against my lips then pulls away. I pout when he pulls away. He chuckles and leans back in and kisses me again. We kiss for awhile till someone knocks on the door and i hear an angru voice yell "Nat open this god damn door." My eyes go wide when i relise its Sam. Rainy looks at me confused and whispers "who is that? I can tell its,male" i look at him and say barely a whisper "he's my boyfriend and he thinks im his mate and now he's angry so that means he's going to beat me." His face hardens and he pulls me behind him and opens the door to a pissed off Sam. Rainy growled and said "back the fuck off, Nat's my mate and if i hear or see you talking to him again i wont hesitant to kill you." Sam growled and said "Nat is my damn mate, tell him babe!" I shrink into Rainy's back and whimper scared. Rainy growled and said "if he was your mate which he's not he wouldnt be scared to death of you! So why dont you do me a favor and get the away!" Rainy growled and slammed the door rite in Sam's face.


Ooooooo supprise supprise

Ok well ik its late but ive been really busy soo here it is hope ya like buh-baiiii


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