Together Forever

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TW/CW: Death, suicide

Prompt: Together

Characters: Wels, Jevin

Style: Angst

Word Count: ~850

AU: Mortuus AU [Not Canon]


He was gone. Forever. They would never be together again. It was an odd thing, perma-death. There was no way to know how or when it would happen, it was even more uncertain for the Hermits. The universe takes what it needs to when it feels the time is right, but the time is never right for those it takes from. The Hermits hadn't expected anything like this to happen when they started season 8. Nobody expected it. Nobody ever does.

Wels had never wanted the message that would show in bold on everybody's communicators, well, everyone's except their own. He had been flying over the Nether just to get away from their projects for a while when his elytra broke. They felt the air rush past his body as they fell. They had always hated the feeling of falling; it reminded him of how he got to Hermitcraft in the first place. It was ironic, really, falling was the way he got to Hermitcraft and it would play a part in how he left. The last thing they felt was the blistering heat as their body hit the lava. His journey was over. The universe gave him his last death.

Jevin had been the first to look at his communicator. He now wished he never had, almost as if it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't seen the message.

|Welsknight perma-died, farewell.|

The missed opportunities flashed through his mind, building the ender-ender, all the times they could have spent together but didn't for no particular reason. He didn't know what to do, so he ignored it. Maybe if he pretended it wasn't real this whole thing would turn out to be a dream or something. Some dark illusion he could snap out of. He didn't answer the message from Xisuma asking to meet up.

Actually, he didn't answer any messages from anyone for a long time, and he ignored anyone who showed up in person. He had gone to the ender-ender; the last thing Wels had built. He had shouted about how it wasn't fair for what seemed like hours, the others could tell it was best to leave him alone for now. He knew it wasn't fair. It never is.

He knew it was stupid, pleading with whatever happened to be looking after them, be it a god or something else entirely, to change what has already happened but he found himself doing it anyway. He knew he would do anything to bring Wels back, even if it meant sacrificing himself. My life for his. Jevin found himself repeating the phrase as if it would make it happen. As if the universe cared for bargaining.

It had been three months since that message had appeared in chat. He had stopped doing anything. He didn't build or mine or collect resources, he barely even ate. What was the point, he thought. What was the point if he could never do those things with Wels again? He had stopped responding to messages again, none of them would be from him so why bother? He slept most of the day yet still felt like he hadn't slept in years, he certainly looked like it.

Jevin had pushed himself to start doing things again, he gathered resources and talked with the others a bit. He knew Wels wouldn't want him to sit around all day feeling bad about their death. He knew they weren't coming back this time, he wasn't going to suddenly respawn. It wasn't going to get better if he let it plague his mind constantly. He had to let him go.

He had tried. He had tried to move on, to let go of what could have been and focus on what he still has. It was too late though. The universe doesn't play nice. It doesn't care about people. It doesn't agree to rules or accept bargains. It takes what it wants when it wants it. Nobody can stop that. Sure, sometimes it messes up, that's how Hermitcraft exists in the first place, but it has to get it right most of the time. There are no third chances. The universe took one soul all those months ago, and now it would take another.

It didn't hurt. Jevin had expected it to hurt when the sword pierced his body. The sword that had no one's hands on its hilt but his own and the universe's. Blood poured from the wound he had created but he smiled, everything happens for a reason. Even he knew that. He just couldn't take it anymore. He had forced himself to follow his routine for months, hoping things would get better, hoping he would get better. It didn't. It never would. The universe knew it would take two souls from Hermitcraft the moment season 8 started, and now it had completed its mission.

|iJevin perma-died, farewell.|

He was gone. Forever. His journey was over. But they were together now, and nothing could separate them again.


Honestly it feels like this book is becoming a game of russian roulette or something, your chances of getting in a chapter are slim but if you do you end up dead. I mean, I wrote out the perma-death of 4 different Hermits in just this chapter and the last. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until the next one, bye! ~Mors

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