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TW/CW: Blood, fighting, death

Prompt: N/A

Characters: Wels, Hels

Style: Crack

Word Count: ~560

AU: Mortuus AU


They fought fiercely. The harsh sound of metal on metal rang through the air as swords clanged against both armour and shields. They felt like they had been fighting for hours but it had only been a few minutes. Few people passed by but those who did just ignored the two.

Wels stared into the blood red eyes of his sibling as they plunged an enchanted netherite sword into the darker knight's stomach. He watched as Cyrus' body disappeared and its items exploded out of the space it once occupied. Wels sighed and, picking up the items, made his way inside.

A few minutes later they were eating a golden carrot when he heard a rocket fire followed by a small crash. Cyrus sauntered through the door and, as Wels chucked it its stuff, pouted,

"How do you always beat me? I spent ages doing combat training recently."

"I'm better than you, obviously. Plus, I've been training more recently. I fought Iskall the other day, and won."

"Whatever. Let's go again, so I can beat you."

"I mean, I'm gonna win but sure."

The two siblings went back to Wels' fighting ground and started to duel. Cyrus made the first move with a low kick followed by a sword swipe aimed at his neck. Dodging both with ease, Wels quickly slashed at a gap in the darker knight's armour and tried to disarm it. It stumbled backward as thick red blood poured from the deep wound in its side. Pulling out a bow, it fired a carefully aimed arrow that Wels brought up his shield to block. Grabbing their own bow, Wels shot two arrows at his sibling. One hit it in the wrist, causing it to drop its weapon, the other flew over its shoulder as it fell down. Wels swapped his bow for their sword and slowly walked over to Cyrus. He chuckled and, with a menacing glint in his eyes, whispered just loud enough to hear,

"You lose." He swiftly drew their sword across Cyrus' neck and watched as, for the second time that day, his siblings' body disappeared. They once more picked up the items and entered his base.

After Hels had gotten back, they went to the gaming district of that season and that was how they found themselves an hour later. Wandering out of Xisuma's Stand-Off game, Cyrus was laughing at Wels. He joked,

"You can fight with a sword, but you can't win a game to save your life!"

"Yea? Well at least I have a life worth saving."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Hey, at least I do things with my life. All you do is play video games with Xan!"

That's not true."

"Go on then, what else do you do?"

"I- ... Damn it."

Entering the nether, the two knights said their goodbyes and headed off towards their respective bases. It had been hard to get to this stage in their lives, but they wouldn't change it for the world. After all, they had finally found where they both belonged.


If this one seems kinda all over the place it's because I wrote it over a week in random segments but oh well. Also, I want to thank you all for reading these oneshots as we hit 500 reads this week! I never thought anyone would want to read these so I really appreciate everyone who does take the time to read. So until the next one, bye! ~Mors

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